The work of the Injury Prevention research group aims at preventing injuries due to extreme mechanical loading to the human body. This can for instance be loading caused in traffic accidents. The ultimate aim of the research is to develop principles for new or improved protective systems in for instance vehicles, such as airbags, whiplash protection systems or child restraints.
Preventing injuries
The work of the Injury Prevention research group aims at preventing injuries due to extreme mechanical loading to the human body. This can for instance be loading caused in traffic accidents. The research is prioritized based on accident statistics provided by the Field Data Management group within the division. The research includes injuries and injury mechanism at the microscopic level up to the response of the whole human body during externally applied violent mechanical loads.
The ultimate aim of the research is to develop principles for new or improved protective systems in for instance vehicles. This can for instance be airbags, whiplash protection systems or child restraints. I can also be protective devices such as helmets or motorcycle clothes.
Crash test dummies and human body models
In order to reach the aims we need to create tools such as crash test dummies or computer models of the human body. Added to this comes test procedures that in a controlled way represent the loading to the human body in real world accidents. One goal of the research I to define what measurements need to be collected, in for instance a crash dummy, to determine if a protective device is sufficiently effective.