
Image 1 of 10
Illustration of load reduction from best efficiency point to part load in the Francis-99 turbine.
Illustration of the U9 Kaplan turbine guide vanes and runner blades.
Vortical flow structures in the Timisoara Swirl Generator illustrating the vortex rope phenomena.
Four images showing dynamic Mode Decomposition (DMD) of the flow in the Timisoara Swirl Generator.
Images of the alpheus contra-rotating pump-turbine during turbine and pump modes.
Deep reinforcement learning for active flow control.
Image of the cavitating regions in the rotating vortex rope (RVR).
Images of rotating vortex rope and its effect on axial velocity.
Image of cooling air flow in electric generators.
Load reduction from best efficiency point to part load in the Francis-99 turbine. The guide vane opening angle changes during the transient while the net head and the runner rotational speeds are kept constant. The red iso-surface visualizes vortices, and in particular the helical rotating vortex rope that causes force and pressure fluctuations at part load. Fluctuations due to rotor-stator interaction can be seen during the entire sequence. OpenFOAM Journal, Vol. 1, p. 47-61.

As part of the Swedish Center for Sustainable Hydropower (SVC) and the ALPHEUS Horizon 2020 EU project, we are focusing on the details of the flow in water turbines and pump turbines and the cooling flow in electric generators.

We contribute to open source development through the OpenFOAM Turbomachinery Special Interest Group.

We have been doing research on fluid dynamics in hydropower applications since 1997. Initially developing an in-house CFD code for parallel simulations of flow in water turbines, we switched to the OpenFOAM open source CFD tool in 2005. Since then we have been actively involved in the development and validation of OpenFOAM for hydropower applications. The developments have made it possible to do highly resolved simulations of turbulent flow in rotating machinery, including rotor-stator interaction and changes of blade angles during transient operation.

Some main areas of research have been:

  • Numerical methods and turbulence modelling for CFD in hydropower applications.
  • Fundamental investigations of laminar and turbulent swirling flows and vortex breakdown.
  • Studies of flow features in water turbines.
  • Investigations of cavitation in water turbines. 
  • Flow features during transient operation of water turbines.
  • Low-head pump turbines.
  • Hydropower generator cooling air flow.
  • Machine learning for hydropower applications.


Most publications by group members can be found in this list.

Recordings by group members

Håkan Nilsson:

Saeed Salehi:

Jonathan Fahlbeck: