Our research deals with development of robust bioprocesses for production of biobased fuels, chemicals, and microbial cultures.

The focus is on the interplay between process conditions and microbial physiology.
The main application is advanced fed-batch methodology for bioethanol production from lignocellulosic raw materials, using dynamic mathematical models and physiologically based control as tools.
The methods are also applied to biobased production of chemicals, such as lactic acid using thermophilic bacteria. He also collaborates with industry to investigate how microbial production processes can be designed and modulated to produce robust starter cultures (lactic acid bacteria) and probiotics (bifidobacteria).
Our research leads to reduced emissions of carbon dioxide through better utilization of raw materials and agricultural and forestry residues for production of important renewable biofuels, chemicals and microorganisms.
- Marie Schöpping (PhD, 2022)
- David Nickel (PhD, 2021)
- Anna Johanson (PhD, 2020)
- Ruifei Wang (PhD, 2017)
- Johan Westman (PhD, 2014)
- Päivi Ylitervo 2014 (co-supervisor)
- Milena Anguelova (PhD, 2007)
- Mikael Johansson (PhD, 2007)
- Tomas Brandberg (PhD, 2005)
- Salvatore Fusco (Post Doc, 2015-2017).
- Johan Westman (Post Doc, 2014-15)
- Pornkamol Unrean (Post Doc, 2013-14)
- Mathilda Johansson (MSc, 2022, Sekab)
- Johannes Bengtsson (MSc, 2022, Fujirebio)
- Jacob Alhede
- Tobias Asp (MSc, 2018)
- Elin Wallin (MSc, 2018, RISE)
- David Sundberg (MSc, 2017)
- Martin Wånge (MSc, 2016, Chr. Hansen A/S)
- Aires Coelho (MSc, 2013)
- Ruifei Wang (MSc, 2012)
- Oskar Henriksson (MSc, 2012)
- Joel Holmqvist (MSc, 2011, Sahlgrenska Academy)
- Gonçalo Carvalho Esteves (MSc, 2011)
- Joana Paula da Costa Pereira (MSc, 2011)
- Emanuel Fryk (MSc, 2011, Sahlgrenska Academy)
- Gabriella Lindberg (MSc, 2010, Arterion)
- Jeffrey Phan (MSc, 2010, Arterion)
- Riani Ayu Lestari (MSc, 2010)
- Ninad Kulkarni (MSc, 2009)
- Md. Toriqul Islam (MSc, 2009)
- Sri Wijayanti (MSc, 2009)
- Fredrik Karlsson (MSc, 2009, AstraZeneca)
- Johan Norén (MSc, 2008)
- Anna Ekman (MSc, 2007)
- Per Rosén (MSc, 2006)
- Yoana Dimitrova (MSc, 2006)
- Ana-Maria Modrogeanu (MSc, 2004)
- Antonio Mora-Ortiz (MSc, 2004)
- Carina Munter (MSc, 2001)
- Pär Timby (MSc, 2001)
- Milena Anguelova (MSc, 2001)
- Louise Johansson (MSc, 2000)
- Roeland Costenoble (MSc, 1996)
- Heidi Sjöstedt (MSc, 1995)
- Carl Johan Löthgren (MSc, 1993)
- Per Alsin (MSc, 1993)
- Eva Albers (MSc, 1993)