Undergraduate education
Chalmers undergraduate programmes are conducted in Swedish only. Read more about the programmes on the Swedish page "Hitta program".
Master's programmes

Biotechnology, MSc
Studying this master’s programme, you will focus on the interface between chemistry, biology and medicine, with engineering as the common thread. You will learn to use engineering principles in the analysis and manipulation of biological systems to solve problems across a wide spectrum of vital applications and cover a broad base, from genetics to process engineering.

Innovative and sustainable chemical engineering, MSc
In a rapid and ever-changing world, the role and impact of modern chemical processes have never been more important. But to ensure sustainability and economic viability in commercial products and processes, efficiency, flexibility, safety, and minimal environmental impact are of the utmost importance. This master’s programme will provide you with the advanced knowledge and skills necessary to refine these processes and streamline the conversion of commodities into finished products.

Materials chemistry, MSc
Since the dawn of mankind, materials have defined us, and played a central role in human development. The ages of stone, bronze and iron formed vital parts of our history and now we are entering the nano age. Using all the tools of chemistry, this master's programme will deepen your understanding of materials, developing and designing them to be lighter, stronger, cheaper, and more durable and environmentally friendly. These are the materials which may come to form the essential building blocks in the next era of humanity.
Bachelor and master's thesis projects
Bachelor projects
The bachelor's thesis is the first really big piece of work you do as a student during your education. In addition to applying your knowledge in mathematics, science and technology, you will get to work in project form and present the results both orally and in writing.
The bachelor's projects offered at the Department of Life Sciences, as well as at the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, are presented in the learning platform Canvas.
BTX11 & KBTX16 Bachelor thesis selection 2023
Master thesis projects
Master thesis projects can be found at the Thesis Portal. Search for available projects at the Department of Life Sciences.
Doctoral studies
One of Chalmers' most important tasks is to carry on research on a very high international level and to inform society about this research.
The Department of Life Sciences coordinates the Chalmers common graduate school Bioscience.

Do you want to develop methods for a better strategy for our health and environment? Then you should apply for a doctoral degree in Biosciences after your Master's degree.

Graduate courses
Here you can find Chalmers' PhD courses. Sort by department or research school. Graduate courses given by the Department of Mathematical Sciences can be found in the University of Gothenburg course database (see link in navigation).