Workforce for Inclusive SciencE – WISE – is a supportive network aiming to promote a gender inclusive academia.
The network is hosted and financially supported by the Department of Electrical Engineering at Chalmers University of Technology. The target group for the activities arranged by WISE is primarily researchers at Chalmers and researchers engaged in MedTech West.
WISE’s vision is to foster equal opportunities for any gender to qualify for positions and to make a career in academia. WISE aims to provide a dynamic and inspiring network and to motivate anyone, irrespective of gender, who wants to move forward in their academic career and to share their experiences in doing so.
National and international senior researchers are invited by WISE to hold seminars and to serve as role models of inclusive science. About ten lunch seminars are organised every year. The seminars are open to anyone with an interest in learning from role models within academia. Participants from Chalmers, MedTech West, University of Gothenburg, Sahlgrenska Academy, and University of Borås are especially welcome.
The network was founded in 2011 as part of the EU project “Female role models and partners,” primarily focusing on researchers in medical engineering at Chalmers and MedTech West.
Contact WISE
Do you want to sign up for invitations to WiSE seminars, or do you have ideas that you want to share with the WISE team? Please send an email to WISE
Chalmers Equality Prize 2022
The newly created award, which was inspired by last year's Wise Award, has Genie, Wise (Workforce for including science) and Chalmers' newly formed equality committee as founders. Unlike, for example, the Wise Award, Chalmers' equality prize does not only reward equality but all kinds of equality work and can be awarded to both employees and students.
WISE organizing committee
Bahareh Ahkami, PhD student at the department of Electrical Engineering, Chalmers - project leader of WISE
Hana Dobsicek Trefna, Associate professor at the department of Electrical Engineering, Chalmers
Jennifer Alvén, Postdoc at the department of Electrical Engineering, Chalmers
Sabine Reinfeldt, Associate professor at the department of Electrical Engineering, Chalmers
Sara Paulsson, HR partner at the department of Electrical Engineering, Chalmers
Silvia Muceli, Assistant professor at the department of Electrical Engineering, Chalmers