The department is hosting the following research centres and research facilities:

Welcome to the Wireless Infrastructure Technology Centre at Chalmers (WiTECH), where cutting-edge research meets collaborative innovation to shape the future of wireless communication and semiconductor technologies.

SAFER – Vehicle and Traffic Safety Centre
SAFER – vehicle and traffic safety centre at Chalmers – is a competence centre where partners from the Swedish automotive industry, academia and authorities cooperate to create a centre of excellence within traffic safety research and safe mobility.

Swedish Electromobility Centre
Swedish Electromobility Centre is a national centre of excellence for electric and hybrid vehicles and charging infrastructure. The centre serves as a base for integration between academia, industry and society. The research covers system studies and methods, electrical machines and drives, energy storage, vehicle analysis and fuel cell technology.

SESBC – The Swedish Electricity Storage and Balancing Centre
The Swedish Electricity Storage and Balancing Centre will be a key enabler for reaching the 100% renewable system through the establishment of an interdisciplinary and internationally competitive Swedish hub for excellence in research and industrial collaboration. Cutting-edge research will be conducted with focus on three research and innovation layers: systems, materials and devices for energy storage and intelligent energy management systems. The broad consortium of 5 academic and 30 non-academic stakeholders provides an enormous potential to drive innovation and transfer knowledge to industry and public actors.

SWC - Swedish Wind Centre
The Swedish Wind Power Centre, SWC, collects most of the Swedish research in wind power and is Sweden's only centre for wind power research.