Automatic control is an indispensable ingredient in contemporary design of machines and other systems of any complexity. Examples can be found in vehicles, robots, medical equipment, industrial processes, telecommunication systems, biotechnology and elsewhere. Automatic control is also a fundamental engineering discipline, established some fifty years ago, and now with applications ranging a wide spectrum.
Analysis of dynamic systems
At the heart of automatic control is the analysis of dynamical systems and the use of feedback, i.e. when control actions are applied to a system, based on measurements, with the objective to compensate for disturbances, inaccurate system models etc.
Research in the Automatic control group concerns both fundamental questions in control methodology and applications of control in areas of industrial and societal interest. We are particularly interested in environmental and biological systems, applications in transportation and vehicle technology, and in systems and control aspects of electric power systems.
Automatic control is part of the curriculum in many of Chalmers educational programmes. We teach control at both undergraduate and graduate level, including the master’s programme Systems, control and mechatronics.