In 2001 the department established a pedagogical award for doctoral students, as a commendation for considerable educational achievements during the past academic year. The prize has been awarded to:

2024 Björn Langborn
Award justification: Björn has shown exceptional dedication to teaching, engaging fully in students' learning with prompt, thoughtful support and a helpful, approachable attitude. He takes significant responsibility, resolving difficult lab issues independently and ensuring smooth course delivery. Committed to continuous improvement, Björn actively suggests enhancements for future course instances. His professionalism and supportive nature establish him as an invaluable resource for students and colleagues, making him a deserving candidate for the E2 Pedagogical Prize 2024

2023 Paul Imgart
Award justification: Paul Imgart has deep technical skills for the topic he is teaching, and he combines this with an excellent ability to understand the student perspective, connecting difficult topics to everyday events. Aside from being highly appreciated by the students, the responsible teachers also appreciate Paul's strong engagement in developing the courses and general helpfulness. He is hardworking and dedicated to teaching, and therefore strongly deserves the E2 Pedagogical Prize 2023.

2022 Charitha Madapatha
Award justification: Charitha has for several years made an excellent job in the course "Wireless Networks". With his head and heart in the course, and a strong engagement for the students, he is very appreciated as a teaching assistant. By own initiatives and accuracy, and his fast response to the students, he is a strong reason to the success of the course. His strong engagement with students and with course development makes him a worthy winner of the "E2 Pedagogical Prize 2022.

2021 Constantin Conrath

2020 Hao Guo

2019 Madeleine Schilliger Kildal
2018 Sarmad Riazi

2017 Cristina Rigato
Award justification: Cristina Rigato has shown an outstanding pedagogical skill as a teaching assistant and has made major contributions to further developing the course Biomedical Instrumentation in our Master’s program. In this course she also, with inspiration and enthusiasm, introduced an ethics element by independently developing reading materials, giving a lecture and designing assignments for the students. She also improved home assignments, lab-pm, and she led a new electronics exercise. Cristina is very appreciated by her students and colleagues. She always gets high ratings in the course evaluations, especially regarding how well she is providing feedback to the students on their assignments. She has been a course assistant both on the Master’s and Bachelor’s level, including teaching classes in both English and Swedish, the latter learned to an advanced level since she became a PhD student.

2016 Karl-Johan Fredén Jansson
Award justification: Karl-Johan Fredén Jansson has been very appreciated both as course assistant and laboratory supervisor in our electronic courses over all years, and for the development of our electronic lab in general. Especially, Karl-Johan has been very popular among the students and colleagues in the main electronic course in the Electrical Engineering program, both for his pedagogical skills and for his nice and accommodating manner towards the students. Karl-Johan was also responsible for successfully renewing our electronic lab using the new Elvis platform to which he also adapted lab pm’s for several courses.

2015 Keerthi Nagalapur
Award justification: Keerthi Nagalapur has for three years been a TA in the course “Introduction to Communication Engineering.” Over the years the students have always liked his way of explaining things in a pedagogical way. Keerthi’s name is often mentioned in the course evaluations, especially pointing out how helpful he is and how he is always available to answer questions, helping students to gain an intuitive understanding of the topic. He has been a huge asset in the course and also contributed highly to the course administration.

2014 Sahar Mohajerani
Award justification: Sahar Mohajerani receives the prize for, consistently during her teaching years, getting top grades by the students in teaching theoretically heavy courses like the Discrete Event Control and Optimization. Sahar motivates the students and channels their learning in the right direction with her good spirit and structured pedagogical exercise sessions. The course evaluations and exam results speak for themselves.

2013 Hamidreza Taghavi
Award justification: Since 2008, Hamid has contributed to the course "Biomedical Instrumentation", and handled all elements in a very competent way. He has developed new material independently, e.g. a LabView lecture/exercise, and he has been supervising students in a quite demanding lab where the students design, simulate, build and study an analog ECG-amplifier. In all the tasks where Hamid has been involved, he has been very appreciated by the students, and he has been an important factor in that the students can learn the course and the lab.

2012 Mohammad Reza Khanzadi
Award justification: Mohammad Reza Khanzadi has for the last two years been the TA in the Master’s course “Introduction to Communication Engineering”, and currently also in the course “Elektriska kretsar” at Lindholmen. Reza is a very ambitious teacher and the students think his exercises are very pedagogical and helpful. This has been reflected in the high overall score the course has received in the last two years and in the positive personal feedback Reza has had from the students.
2011 Sajed Miremadi
Award justification: Sajed is teaching a quite theoretical and difficult material in a pedagogical and easy-to-understand way, which is obvious both from course evaluations and the resulting knowledge of his students.

2010 Mikael Thor
Award justification: Mikael Thor has during several years used his talent for education in a responsible way and been loyal to students as well as to the course teachers. Mikael’s contributions during the last year has given very good credits in connection with course evaluations.
2009 Anna Gund
Award justification: Anna Gund receives the prize for her significant effort in the course eHealth offered at masters level. Anna has developed the course eHealth and has been responsible for its implementation. Anna's efforts are considerably larger than those normally assigned to graduate. Anna is an enthusiastic teacher who is very popular with students. Her lectures are permeated by both the good organization and an educational approach.

2008 Mats Rydström
Award justification: Mats Rydström receives the prize foremost for his contributions to the course ESS135 Computer Introduction. He has carried out a major revision of the course, lectured, and acted as the de facto examiner. Mats' efforts, which are very well organized and based on reflections on learning processes, are appreciated by students as well as colleagues. Moreover, Mats has made great and significant contributions as an assistent in SSY135 Digital Communications and by supervising candidate and master thesis projects.

2007 Veronica Olesen
Award justification: Veronica Olesen has been a great support as an assistant in several courses but mainly in the course Multivariable Control which by many students is considered to be a difficult course. She has taken care of mathematical exercises and labs, and the oral examination on a "miniproject" för all participants. Overall Veronica has during several years done a great work and efforts in the undergraduate education. Veronica has been very popular among her students because of her well planned and pedagogical carefully prepared lessons.

2006 Sabine Reinfeldt
Award justification: Sabine Reinfeldt has during several years received positive judgement in course evaluations for exercise supervision och laboratory supervision in the department´s courses. Sabine has in a positive and competent way dealed with her teaching tasks.
2005 Mikael Coldrey
Award justification: Mikael has on an exemplary way taught in Signal Processing for both Swedish and international students. He has in his education provided the theoretical content on a knowledgeable and pedagogically way. He has towards the students shown a positive attitude and met the students on their level.

2004 Kristin Danielsson
Award justification: Kristina exercises have been funny, exciting and instructive. She has on a careful, pedagogically and clear way demonstrated methodology in automatic control. During the course's time, she has involved herself in order to adapt the exercises to the students' wishes and thereby given the students good conditions to understand the automatic control technology's bases.
2003 Turaj Shabestary
Award justification: Turaj has a thorough understanding of the subject and a strong desire to make the students understand. By combining these two features, he has succeeded extremely well in his role as an exercise teacher and project examiner.
2002 Roger Malmberg
Award justification: Roger has through combining his practical experience with big enthusiasm and a great interest for pedagogic vitalized the education in analogue electronics.
2001 Sorour Falahati
Award justification: Sorour is awarded the prize for her excellent initiatives in the undergraduate education. Sorour is ambitious and a very popular exercise assistant among the students.