Requirements engineering is a crucial phase in software development process, known as a systematic and disciplined approach to defining, documenting, and managing the requirements of a product, or project. The primary goal of requirements engineering is to ensure that the final software product or project meets the needs and expectations of its stakeholders.
Research Areas
RE for Sustainability
The idea of the research line is to develop artifacts which explicitly take into account all aspects of RE and sustainability. This facilitates the search for adequate stakeholders, how to integrate their goals, and how to identify sustainability challenges within the system vision as well as constraints for the system. Sustainability research guides use case development and integration into quality requirements.
Guiding questions and example available in this publication: https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1216/paper8.pdf
RE for AI
The research line bridges the gap between the foundational principles of requirements engineering and the unique challenges posed by AI systems. The research aims to develop methodologies, frameworks, and tools that allow for the clear specification, validation, and evolution of requirements for AI systems.
AI for RE
In the evolving landscape of software engineering, this research line delves deep into utilising the power of AI and generative AI, to revolutionise traditional requirements engineering processes. By leveraging the capabilities of LLMs and Conversational AIs, this research aims to automate, optimise, and enhance software requirements elicitation, documentation, validation, and management.
Creative RE
Users cannot always easily name what they want, or what they want may be constrained by their concrete experiences. In creative requirements engineering, we use structured techniques to help stakeholders come up with creative ideas, leading to innovative requirements and systems.
Automotive Requirements
This research line is dedicated to understanding and addressing the unique challenges posed by the automotive sector, e.g., in autonomous driving and its safety-critical nature, in specifying, validating, and managing software requirements. By refining the RE processes and tools for automotive software requirements engineering, this research aims to ensure that modern vehicles are not only feature-rich but also safe, reliable, and compliant with regulatory standards.
Requirements Modeling
Modelling in requirements engineering offers visual and structured approaches, such as UML (Unified Modeling Language), SysML (System Modeling Language), and goal-oriented models, to depict system requirements. Our research is dedicated to refining existing Modeling techniques, introducing novel approaches, and developing tools that aid in the efficient creation, maintenance, and evolution of requirement models.
Continuous RE/RE for Agile
Continuous Requirements Engineering research line provides iterative solutions and approaches to requirements engineering processes that emphasize the ongoing and dynamic nature of requirements in software and system development, especially in agile software development. Due to evolving stakeholder needs, continuous requirements engineering promotes constant monitoring, continuous elicitation of requirements, for example from user feedback, and validation and adaptation of requirements throughout the entire lifecycle of a project, ensuring that the system or software remains aligned with the users and stakeholders needs and expectations.

- Associate Professor, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering

- Biträdande universitetslektor, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering

- Associate Professor, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering

- Head of Division, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering

- Senior Lecturer, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering

- Head of Division, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering

- Assistant Professor, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering
PhD Students
- Postdoc, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering

- Doctoral Student, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering
- Doctoral Student, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering
- Doctoral Student, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering