The division conducts research and education in both Interaction Design and Software Engineering. Interaction design is an increasingly important area in application and systems development, as well as in industrial and product design. The research in Software Engineering is characterized by extensive international cooperation in research as well as close cooperation with industry.
Interaction Design
Interaction Design concerns the interaction between people and products in which information technology is a central component. This can, for instance, be the interface and gameplay of modern computer games, the design of the complex interface between the driver and the network of computers controlling a modern car, the next generation of mobile communication devices or the integration of computational technology into our everyday things, such as "intelligent clothes". Regardless of application area, a design perspective on the interaction between people and technology is central. This makes interaction design an increasingly important area in application and systems development, as well as in industrial and product design.
The area Interaction Design is responsible for the two master's programmes:
- Interaction Design and Technologies at Chalmers
- Game Design & Technology at University of Gothenburg
Software Engineering
Software Engineering is the systematic application of engineering approaches to and during development of software. The Software Engineering area at CSE provides world-leading research and education in development of complex software systems and software-intensive systems, and is characterized by extensive international cooperation as well as close cooperation with local industry.
With approximately 50 researchers on all levels (PhD students, postdocs, and faculty) shared between Chalmers and Gothenburg University, we are one of the largest academic software engineering research groups in the world. Our core expertise is in AI engineering (both AI for SE and SE for AI), software testing, requirements engineering, behavioral software engineering, and software engineering in the automotive domain. However, CSE researchers are involved in projects related to most areas of software engineering research. Our ambition is to be a world leader in the five areas of research listed below. You will find more information about our research, publication and staff list under each page:
- AI Engineering
- Requirements Engineering
- Software Testing
- Behavioral Software Engineering
- Software Engineering for Automotive Systems
Centers and Collaborations
The software engineering group is involved in the following research centers and larger formal collaborations:
We offer three course-based educational programs at both Chalmers and the University of Gothenburg:
- Software Engineering and Management (Bachelor, University of Gothenburg)
- Software Engineering and Management (Master, University of Gothenburg)
- Software Engineering and Technology (Master, Chalmers)
Staff Interaction Design

- Full Professor, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering
- Full Professor, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering

- Full Professor, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering

- Associate Professor, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering

- Senior Lecturer, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering
- Senior Lecturer, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering
- Assistant Professor, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering

- Senior Lecturer, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering

- Senior Lecturer, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering

- Senior Lecturer, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering

- Senior Lecturer, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering

- Senior Researcher, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering

- Head of Unit, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering

- Professor, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering
PhD Students
- Doctoral Student, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering

- Doctoral Student, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering

- Doctoral Student, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering

- Doctoral Student, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering
- Doctoral Student, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering
- Lecturer, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering
- Part-time fixed-term teacher, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering

- Senior Lecturer, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering
- Lecturer, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering
Staff Software Engineering

- Full Professor, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering

- Associate Professor, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering

- Associate Professor, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering

- Full Professor, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering

- Full Professor, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering

- Biträdande universitetslektor, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering

- Associate Professor, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering

- Senior Lecturer, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering

- Visiting Teacher, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering

- Senior Lecturer, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering

- Associate Professor, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering

- Head of Division, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering

- Head of Unit, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering

- Head of Division, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering

- Full Professor, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering

- Associate Professor, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering

- Head of Department, Computer Science and Engineering

- Assistant Professor, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering

- Associate Professor, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering
- Postdoc, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering

- Postdoc, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering

- Postdoc, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering
- Postdoc, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering
PhD Students
- Doctoral Student, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering
- Doctoral Student, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering

- Lecturer, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering
- Doctoral Student, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering
- Doctoral Student, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering

- Doctoral Student, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering
- Doctoral Student, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering

- Doctoral Student, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering
- Doctoral Student, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering
- Doctoral Student, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering

- Doctoral Student, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering

- Doctoral Student, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering

- Doctoral Student, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering

- Doctoral Student, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering
- Doctoral Student, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering
- Postdoc, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering

- Doctoral Student, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering
- Doctoral Student, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering
- Doctoral Student, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering
- Doctoral Student, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering

- Doctoral Student, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering
Associated Research and Teaching Staff
- Part-time fixed-term teacher, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering
- Visiting Researcher, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering
- Visiting Researcher, Interaction Design and Software Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering