CLS offers a series of research seminars, providing a platform for engaging in ongoing research in key areas related to communication and learning in STEM. Make sure you don´t miss a single one - sign up to our e-mailing list.
Seminars open for all
The seminars offer a space for many voices, from early-career researchers to established, well-known actors, and opportunities to test everything from presenting early ideas through to disseminating finalized research. At core we want to foster a space where we can discuss and learn from each other in a friendly, constructive environment conducive to learning and collegiality.
The seminars are open to all at CLS, and broader at Chalmers, as well as colleagues in our relevant research networks. In this spirit, please share with your interested colleagues. We aim to hold 4 -5 seminars each semester (Spring and Fall), on either Friday mornings or afternoons, where possible. We run a hybrid format, and while there is flexibility in how the seminars run, often with a presentation of some kind, we always aim to include time for discussion or other activities.
We at CLS warmly invite you to our research seminars.
Don't miss out on any seminars - sign up
To ensure you don't miss a single seminar, we have created an email list where you can subscribe to get information on each seminar.