Education at Communication and Learning in Science

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The Department of Communication and Learning in Science (CLS) has an extensive educational mission at Chalmers and provides courses and integrated elements within Chalmers’ undergraduate, Master’s and doctoral programmes. The CLS also provides courses in teaching and learning in higher education for Chalmers’ faculties.

Language, communication and learning

CLS has the main responsibility for education in academic and discipline-specific communication and information literacy. We supervise and teach scientific and technical writing in Chalmers’ STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) programmes, including maritime shipping and marine technology, design, and architecture.

The Department’s educational tasks are carried out in close collaboration with Chalmers’ educational programmes, often via integrated teaching activities. We are also involved in the master’s programme Learning and leadership.

Learning and leadership

Learning and leadership is a unique master's programme, taught in Swedish, that combines your understanding of mathematics, science and technology with knowledge of how to communicate and collaborate. This education leads to both a master's degree in civil engineering and a teacher's degree. After completing the education, you will become an expert in leadership in schools and organisations.

The Department is also home to the Chalmers Writing Centre (CWC), where students can book writing tutorials with trained student tutors. More information is available on the CWC website (Please note, you are leaving

Doctoral studies at Communication and Learning in Science

CLS runs the ‘Communication and Learning in STEM’ (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) Graduate School. The Department also contributes to training in generic skills for all doctoral students through the Generic and Transferable Skills (GTS) programme. The course includes teaching methods in higher education, academic writing and information literacy.

Communication and Learning in STEM

Are you interested in deepening the understanding of learning processes, interaction, and communication within higher education and the knowledge and information society, specifically regarding Engineering and natural sciences ? Then you should apply to the graduate school of communication and learning within STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics).

Teaching methods for Chalmers teachers

CLS is responsible for the continuing professional development of teaching skills in higher education for teachers at Chalmers. The training is given in the form of seminars and courses leading to a diploma (the courses are called Diploma courses). The courses correspond to the requirements for teaching faculties at Chalmers.