The field of research for the division Energy and Materials is very broad. We have diverse research activity, focusing on different aspects of material and energy related questions. We contribute to a sustainable society by developing improvements for materials and energy systems applicable in many areas.
A large part of the research is applied and co-financed from industry, but also very fundamental chemical research is being done. The division is involved in a large number of international collaboration projects, the majority financed by the European Union.
Energy and Materials are also active in the undergraduate program as well as master programs of Materials and Nanotechnology and Nuclear Engineering program.
Research areas

Materials Chemistry
At Materials Chemistry, we work with applications of high temperature corrosion with research applied to fuel cells, biomass and waste fired boilers. The division also performs research in the field of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS), Oxide Chemistry and Theoretical Chemistry involving advanced modeling.

Industrial Materials Recycling
Industrial Materials Recycling focuses mainly on the recycling of metals including Rare Earth Metals (REM). This research is necessary to save the earth’s resources and provide better options for the future.

Nuclear Chemistry
Nuclear Chemistry focuses on research for applications in the nuclear industry: novel nuclear fuels, research relating to accidents, final repositories and the reuse of used nuclear fuel through partitioning and transmutation. Also included is research related to radiopharmaceutical and radioecology.