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Smart ways to use sustainable biomass for new materials and fuels

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vallodling, biomassa

INVITATION LUNCH SEMINAR: The transition to a fossil-free society will increase the need for biomass-based solutions and different technologies are being developed for converting biomass to materials and fuels. This lunch seminar will provide an overview of current research into biomass conversion at Chalmers and Aarhus university and will also show how new biomass production can help improve resource use efficiency and reduce existing environmental impacts in the agriculture sector.


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  • Date:Starts 20 September 2023, 11:30Ends 20 September 2023, 13:15
  • Location:
    Chalmers Teknikpark, lecture room Poseidon, Sven Hultins gata 9, 412 58 Göteborg
  • Language:English
Register to the seminar (Opens in new tab)

The seminar is free of charge. 


  • A lunch wrap is served from 11:30 (registration mandatory).
  • 11:50. Introduction and welcome: Moderator Göran Berndes, Professor, Physical Resource Theory, Space, Earth and Environment, Chalmers University of Technology.
  • Green biorefineries for sustainable materials from agricultural biomass. Birgit Bonefeld, Phd, Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering, Aarhus University, Christel Cederberg, Professor at Physical Resource Theory, Chalmers University of Tehnology.
  • Chalmers University of Tehnology research on biobased materials:
    Lisbeth Olsson, Professor at Industrial Biotechnology,
    Louise Olsson, Professor at Chemical Technology,
    Merima Hasani, Associate Professor at Chemical Technology,
    Verena Siewers, Professor at Systems and Synthetic Biology
  • 12.45-13.15. Panel discussion led by Göran Berndes
  • Fika & Mingle

The seminar is organized by Chalmers Material Science and Energy Areas of Advance.

Last day to register: September 10.