AI Ethics with Moa Johansson.
- Date:Starts 17 December 2024, 13:15Ends 17 December 2024, 14:15
- Location:Zoom, register to receive the link
- Language:English
- Last sign up date:17 December 2024

In this seminar I will start by giving an introduction to the AI debate since the release of ChatGPT: the increased focus on risks, ranging from immediate and real concerns already affecting people today, to apocalyptic visions with no grounding in existing or soon-to-come technology.
I will then present some results from a recent pilot study in Sweden, where we take a perspective from agenda-setting theory and propose that it is an elite outside of party politics that is leading the debate – i.e. that the politicians are relatively silent when it comes to this rapid development.
We also suggest that the debate has become more substantive and risk-oriented in recent years. To investigate this claim, we draw on an original dataset of elite-level documents from the early 2010s to the present, using op-eds published in a number of leading Swedish newspapers. By conducting a qualitative content analysis of these materials, our preliminary findings lend support to the expectation that an academic, rather than a political elite is steering the debate.
This is joint work with Bastiaan Bruinsma, Annika Fredén, Kajsa Hansson, Pasko Kisic Merino and Denitsa Saynova.
Moa Johansson is an associate professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Chalmers, where she also serves as co-director of the Information and Communication Technology Area of Advance.