While the European Chips Act offers new possibilities, it also presents challenges for education and research in semiconductors. As a result, European and Swedish universities must be prepared to adopt to new needs from European companies which rely on semiconductor chips for their products.
- Date:Starts 8 April 2025, 10:00Ends 8 April 2025, 16:00
- Location:
- Language:English
- Last sign up date:25 March 2025
In this initiative seminar at Chalmers University of Technology, we invite all interested, or already involved, in the development of education and research at European and Swedish universities related to semiconductors.
We highlight some key research and educational activities starting up under the European Chips Act which can be of potentially large significance for Sweden.
Industry will give its views on the need of skills from academia.
Representatives from Swedish faculty will discuss current status and future trends in education and research in semiconductors, highlighting common themes of university programs and emerging areas of interest.
The seminar program aims to trigger discussions on future strategic directions in educational programs and research training at Chalmers and beyond, and provide inspiration for university research in chips and semiconductors.
Preliminary program and confirmed speakers
The presentation starts at 10:00 and ends at 16:00. Registration and coffee from 09:30.
Welcome and introduction.
Prof. Per Larsson-Edefors and Prof. Jan Grahn, Chalmers, moderators of the day. -
Nadine Collaert, Fellow at IMEC and Professor at Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Belgium and
Veerle Bos, Program Manager Technical Workforce Development at IMEC, Belgium -
Andreas Brüning, Senior Expert, Design Microelectronic Systems, Forschungsfabrik Mikroelektronik Deutschland, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft.
Prof. Dr. Stefan Braun, Design of miniaturized mechanical systems, Hochschule Kaiserslautern - University of Applied Sciences
Björn Ekelund, Corporate Research Director, Electronics and Cyberphysical Systems, Ericsson
Peter Sinander, Program Manager Next Generation Technology, Frontgrade Gaisler AB
Current status and plans in Swedish university education and research related to semiconductors and European Chips Act.
Panel discussion with faculty representatives from Chalmers, Lund University, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Linköping University and Uppsala University.
Exhibitions in Volvofoajén during lunch and coffee breaks.
This page will be updated regularly as the programme is finalised.