AI Ethics with Michał Wieczorek.
- Date:Starts 3 December 2024, 13:15Ends 3 December 2024, 14:15
- Location:Zoom, register to receive the link
- Language:English
- Last sign up date:3 December 2024

The main goal of this presentation is to consider the role of imaginaries in shaping concrete practices and understandings of educational AI. We argue that educational technologies are primarily imagined (e.g., in popular media such as science fiction novels and movies) as means for efficient transmission of information, which influences how and why new tools are developed.
By analysing some examples of educational AI and their connection to the dominant imaginaries, we demonstrate that some aspects of education (such as those related to care, or the interpersonal dimension of learning) are not accounted for in mainstream AI tools. We conclude by discussing alternative imaginaries (like the one presented in Stephenson's The Diamond Age) and argue that they can help us conceptualise educational AI that would reflect a wider range of educational objectives.
This is based on joint work with Alberto Romele, Sorbonne Nouvelle University.
Michał Wieczorek is an IRC Postdoctoral Fellow at Dublin City University. His work applies philosophical and anticipatory methods to explore the ethical issues that are likely to arise with the deployment of AI in schools.