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Flexibility in electricity intensive industry – opportunities and challenges

Welcome to a seminar that presents and discusses opportunities and challenges in the transformation of the energy and industrial systems, with regard to technology, economics and policy instruments.


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  • Date:Starts 20 April 2023, 10:00Ends 20 April 2023, 12:00
  • Location:
    Pumpgatan 1, 417 55 Göteborg
  • Language:English
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Everything points to the fact that the energy transition involves the electrification of many industrial processes, such as the shift from blast furnace to hydrogen-based steel.
Electrification of the heavy industry is a prerequisite for the automotive industry to be able to reach its set climate goals, which nowadays often include its entire value chain from basic material to final product (i.e., steel to the vehicle including its operation).

For the energy transition to take place in an efficient manner, flexibility is required in the electricity system both on the user side and on the supply side.

This seminar is a joint arrangement between the Social Venture Network, Chalmers Area of Advance Energy with support from the Mistra-program Electrification and Carbon Exit.

Moderator: Professor Tomas Kåberger, Director of Chalmers Energy Area of Advance.


  • Welcome Tomas Kåberger, Gang Wei, Chief Executive Officer at Geely Europe Innovation Center AB.
  • Sector coupling, Filip Johnsson, Professor in Energy Systems, Director Mistra Electrification, Chalmers.
  • Electrification of the basic materials industry – Implications for the electricity system, Alla Toktarova, PhD candidate, Chalmers.
  • EU accelerate its climate policy – what can we expect? Lars Zetterberg, Senior researcher, Director Mistra Carbon Exit, IVL The Swedish Environmental Institute.
  • Fossil free steel in reality, Fredrik Starfelt, Senior R&D Engineer, Vattenfall AB.
  • Expectations from the automotive industry, Michael Fleiss, Chief Executive Officer, Aurobay Powertrain.
  • Discussion