The event has passed

Energy Network Day 2024

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Blue sky, cluds and sun
On 17 May, we welcome our partners, Chalmers researchers and teachers to the Energy Network Day.

Welcome to Energy Network Day. Take the oportunity to discuss and listen to colleagues, industry representatives and a member from the Swedish Parliament. We will present research results and several results of AoA Energy funding.


The event has passed
  • Date:Starts 17 May 2024, 08:30Ends 17 May 2024, 15:30
  • Seats available:200
  • Location:
    Palmstedtsalen, Chalmers Conference Center, Chalmersplatsen 1, 412 96 Göteborg
  • Language:English
  • Last sign up date:12 May 2024
Register to Energy Network Day (Opens in new tab)

The day is an opportunity to keep yourself updated and find inspiration to new collaboration opportunities, with colleagues at Chalmers as well as in industry.

The Energy Network Day is traditionally a community building activity that brings together Chalmers energy researchers to network with colleagues, get inspired by good examples and exchange knowledge.

New for this year is that we are also organizing a poster exhibition with prizes for the top three posters.

Send your abstract to no later than 5th of May!

Please feel free to share this invitation with your colleagues at Chalmers. It's not personalized, so anyone interested is welcome to attend.

Mingle and lunch between 12.30-13.30, Chalmers conference centre.

Please note! We want to reduce food waste. On the registration page you need to specify whether you are attending the lunch or not.


08:30. Fika and registration

9.00. Introduction & Welcome, Tomas Kåberger, director of the Energy Area of Advance.

9.10. Charlotte Bergqvist, Chief Development Officer Cloudberry Clean Energy and Chalmers EOA Industrial advisory board. Solar and Wind investments in Sweden

9.30. Anders Ådahl, Member of Parliament and Chalmers. Swedish Energy Policy developments

9.45. Results Chalmers Energy research:

  • Electricity for Sustainable Development
  • Energy for a Circular Economy
  • Energy in Urban Development Transition
  • Sustainable Transport
  • Technology Governance in Energy Transitions

10.45-11.15. Coffee and Poster Session 1

Project presentation:

Chalmers Solar Team, Tilde Emilsson and Ellinor Jansson Team Manager and composites designer. 
OptiFun:Optimising Fusion with Functional Programming, Patrik Jansson 
Swedish Wind Centre, Sara Fogelström: 

12.15 -12.45. Poster Session: Fire hose Presentation

12.45 -13.30. Lunch

Our Strategic Partnerships – Future Collaboration Themes:

Hitachi Energy
Göteborg Energi

14.15 - 14.45. Coffee and Poster Session 2

14.45. A new system with many new technologys. Introduction and panel discussion of research challenges:
Panelists to be announced

15.25 – 15.30. Concluding remarks. Poster Prize Ceremony

Tomas Kåberger
Director, Energy Area of Advance