Welcome to Initiative seminar 2023 hosted by Transport Area of Advance.
- Date:Starts 9 February 2023, 09:00Ends 9 February 2023, 15:00
- Location:RunAn, Chalmers conference centre, Chalmersplatsen 1, Gothenburg
- Language:English
09:00 Welcome
Balázs Kulcsár, Director, and Kajsa Hulthén, Co-director, Transport Area of Advance.
09:05-09:25 The battle between electric and combustion engine cars in the early 20th century
Gunnar Falkemark, professor emeritus, University of Gothenburg.
09.25-09.45 The electromobility transition – from a policy and research perspective
Arne Nåbo, VTI, and Linda Olofsson, Swedish Electromobility Centre, Chalmers.
09:45 Battery myths and reality – electromobility from a component perspective
9:45-10:00 Artisanal cobolt mining for lithium-ion battery cells – myths and reality?
Anders Nordelöf, Chalmers.
10:00-10:15 Safety of batteries – myths
Ulf Bergholm, MSB (Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap).
10:15-10:30 Current status of battery management systems
Torsten Wik, Chalmers.
10:30-10:40 Panel discussion
11:00 What could possibly go wrong? – electromobility from a vehicle perspective
11:00-11:15 Electrification of passenger vehicles
Robert Eriksson, Volvo Car Group.
11.15-11.30 Electrification of commercial vehicles
Elna Holmberg, Volvo Group Electromobility
11:30-11:45 Maritime electrification – experiences from the last 25 years in Norway
Daniel Green, Siemens Energy AS.
11:45-12:00 Panel discussion
12:00-13:00 LUNCH
13:00 From wheels to grid – electromobility from a system perspective
13:00-13:15 Freight transport as a loosely coupled system
Kajsa Hulthén and Anna Dubois, Chalmers and Michael Browne, University of Gothenburg.
13:15-13:30 Will there be enough electricity to power both transport and industry?
Filip Johnsson, Chalmers.
13:30-13:45 Circular flows in the electromobility transition
Patricia van Loon and Martina Petranikova, Chalmers.
13:45-14:00 The REEL project: electrified heavy duty vehicles in regional logistics
Frances Sprei, Chalmers
14:00-14:10 Panel discussion
14:10-14:40 Closing session
Balázs Kulcsár, Director, and Kajsa Hulthén, Co-director, Transport Area of Advance.
Passing the baton over to Production Area of Advance
Director Lars Nyborg, Chalmers Production Area of Advance.
The Initiative seminar is part of a series of seminars in 2023. The next Initiative seminar will be hosted by Chalmers Production Area of Advance.