An international scientific conference on maritime shipping and related impacts on air pollution, environment, and climate.
- Date:Starts 21 September 2026, 08:00Ends 25 September 2026, 17:00
- Language:English
Save the date!
Mark September 21–25 2026 in your calendars for the 4th Shipping and Environment Conference. More detailed information to come.
- Emissions and discharges from ships
- Atmospheric processes, observations and modelling of impacts on air quality, human health and land ecosystems
- Marine processes, observations, experimental and modelling studies of pollutant reactions, dispersion, and biological processes
- Marine environment, pressures and impact studies on ecotoxicity, eutrophication, acidification, energy pollution including underwater noise, and physical disturbance
- Compliance monitoring, technological and legal frameworks, experimental studies, theoretical assessment
- GHG reduction measures, alternative fuels, electrification, optimization of energy consumption, interdisciplinary and cross-sector studies
- Scenarios and policy options for sustainable transport
- Holistic assessment of shipping pressures and impacts on the environment, shipping in marine spatial planning
- Risk assessment
- Air and Marine pollution
Who should attend?
- Science researchers and students from atmospheric, marine and climate research, environmental economics, political and social science
- Policy environmental and transport agencies, NGOs
- Management governmental, regional and local organisations
- Industry maritime transport sector
Hosted by Ocean, one of Chalmers' thematic research areas

Our strong maritime heritage goes back to the establishment of the university. Today, most departments have research, education, and or utilisation related to the marine and maritime domain, contributing to the grand challenges associated with human utilisation of the oceans and marine resources. All in line with the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development.