Visiting Gothenburg

On this page, you can find useful information about the city of Gothenburg for you as a visitor.

The information on this page is mainly collected from the official Visitor's Guide on, which provides more details for planning your visit to Gothenburg.

Getting to Gothenburg

You can travel to Gothenburg in a number of ways, depending on your departure point and preference.

The international airport, Landvetter (GOT), is located 20 kilometres south-east of the city centre and connects Gothenburg with various destinations around the world. You can easily get to and from Landvetter airport with the shuttle bus service Vy flygbussarna. The journey time is between 25 and 30 minutes. Buses leave from right outside the terminal building, and the final stop is the main bus station Nils Ericssonterminalen in the city centre.

If you travel by train, you will arrive at Gothenburg Central Station, which is located in the city centre.

Getting around in Gothenburg

You can easily get around in Gothenburg with a public transport ticket/card, which includes trams, buses, and boats. All tickets and travelling cards can be purchased at any of the public transport operator Västtrafik’s sales outlets or in the app To Go.


There are plenty of accommodation options in Gothenburg, including a wide range of both hotels and hostels. Listed below are some examples of hotels close to the conference centre.

Hotels close to the conference centre

The hotels listed above are only a few of the multiple accommodation options in Gothenburg.

Restaurants and attractions

Gothenburg has a good selection of restaurants, bars, and cafes with food and drinks from all over the world.

Gothenburg also offers beautiful gardens, historical sites and buildings, magnificent museums, and much more.