Presenting author
Please prepare yourself for a 15-minute presentation, followed by 5 minutes for questions and answers. Please bring your presentation either on your own computer or on a USB. Please come to the room at least 10 min before the session starts so presentations can be uploaded.
The schedule is based on 20 minutes slots for each presentation. 15 minutes are devoted for the presentation and 5 min for questions/discussions and the change to next speaker.
The chair facilitates the discussion and helps the presenter keep within the allotted time frame. Please bring your computer to the session and help the presenters to upload it (in case they have an USB). Please note that the rooms do not have any computers, so it is the chair’s responsibility to ensure that there is a computer available. Please come to the room at least 10 min before the session starts so presentations can be uploaded.
Please do not allow the presenters to use the full time slot for the presentation. We have no full paper process, and we accept abstracts that might be considered too immature for conferences more directed towards dissemination of research results. The aim of this conference is to stimulate discussion and debate to establish a Swedish transport research community.
There are a yellow and a red sign if you want to use that. You can show the yellow one when it is three minutes left and the red when the speaker should stop.
The organizing committee has appointed chairs, if you are a session chair in the program but are unable to chair your session, let us know as soon as possible: