Welcome to Materials for Tomorrow 2024, October 30-31, in Gothenburg.
Materials for Tomorrow is an annually recurring conference, first organized in 2010.
It addresses the material challenges of the future in different ways. Themes and format vary from year to year. The year's theme is "Artificial intelligence in Materials Science".
Innovative materials solutions are the cornerstones in addressing the societal and climate challenges we face as we strive to build a sustainable future. This year's conference will be about Artificial intelligence in Materials Science. Regardless of theme, we always strive to make Materials for Tomorrow a relevant meeting arena for academia, industry and other societal actors, where the current research front is in focus. The conference is also open to students, alumni and others with an interest in the field of Materials Science och Artificial intelligence.
The conference is free of charge. Participation is possible also on part of the program.
The meeting is organized by Materials Science Area of Advance, at Chalmers University of Technology.
Join us, 30-31 October 2024, at Chalmers Conference Centre, Chalmers campus Johanneberg.

Programme Day 1 and Day 2
The programme will offer a workshop, inspiring examples and opportunities. You can register to the different parts of the conference separately. We want Materials for Tomorrow to be a meeting where different perspectives and challenges meet, and where we can highlight all aspects of materials science. Therefore, we always organize a poster exhibition and a photo competition.

Practical information
About days, time, location. The conference takes place at Chalmers in RunAn, Chalmers Conference center, Chalmersplatsen 1, Gothenburg.