How to get here

Airport buses

There are frequent airport bus departures from Landvetter airport to Gothenburg. The trip takes roughly 30 minutes. You can buy tickets online, and you don’t have to specify the departure. Cost 129 SEK. (Online price, Jan 2023)

The best bus stop when going directly to or from Chalmers is Korsvägen*, but Kungsportsplatsen is closer to hotel Poseidon, 600 m.

Buses and trams with Västtrafik

These two tram stops, Chalmers and Kapellplatsen, are good. MC2 department is approx. at the red cross:

Västtrafik has a good app called ToGo, in which you can also buy tickets.

Tickets can often not be purchased on board on buses (only trams, with credit card) and from the app you can also email the receipts.

At this link you can find comprehensive maps of our local trains, city trams and buses, and plan trips if you wish to get around a bit.

*If you get off the airport bus at Korsvägen, then take one of the following trams from there to the stop “Chalmers”:
no 6 (direction towards Länsmansgården) , 8 (Frölunda) or 13 (Sahlgrenska). This trip takes 3 minutes.

Kapellplatsen and Kemivägen

Our departments’ address is Kemivägen 9. Its entrance is marked by the red X on the map above. You can also see a photo of the entrance.

From tram stop Chalmers, cross Chalmersplatsen and take the underpass towards Teknologgården. Turn left and climb Olgas Trappor (Olga’s stairs).

Turn left onto Skeppsgränd.

Walk downhill, through another underpass and you will find the entrance right ahead of you. There is one disabled parking space immediately to the left of it.

Or you get off at tram stop Kapellplatsen, cross the tracks and the street and walk between the buildings and up a few stairs on the way. (Actually easier, but clear names are missing on the map…)