Welcome to the workshop Frontiers of near-term quantum computing, which will take place in Kollektorn, MC2, Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, 29 August - 1 September 2023.
The workshop aims to bring together researchers from the fields of computer science, quantum information and chemistry to discuss theoretical and computational aspects of near-term quantum computing, the capabilities and limitations of current approaches, and strategies towards utilizing near-term hardware for solving practical problems.
The workshop will allow ample discussions and interaction, aiming to inspire the next generation of researchers in this field. Junior participants from your group are encouraged to participate and present a poster.
To facilitate the attendance of parent researchers, it is possible to book a family room in the direct vicinity of the conference hall (free of charge).
- Wallenberg Centre for Quantum Technology (WACQT)
- Area of Advance ICT (AoA ICT)
- Area of Advance Nano (AoA NANO)
- Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF)
Registration is mandatory since the number of slots is limited. Find more information about registration.
The workshop will take place in Kollektorn lecture hall at the department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience.
Find your way with this map of Chalmers.
To facilitate the attendance of parent researchers, it is possible to book a family room in the direct vicinity of the conference hall (free of charge).