To increase our quality of teaching and learning, Chalmers University of Technology engages in the international exchange and strategic collaboration opportunities offered by the Erasmus+ programme.
Institutional data
Postal address: Chalmers University of Technology, SE 412 96 Gothenburg, Sweden
Erasmus code: S GOTEBOR02
Pic number: 999980373
Organisation ID (OID): E10209418
ECHE: 101013870
Practical information

Information for students interested in coming to us
Would you like to come to us as an exchange student? Great! But first, check with your home university if there is an exchange agreement between it and Chalmers. If yes, then the information below can be of great interest to you!
Erasmus+ Staff
– for prospective visiting staff members
For career and skills development plus job shadowing (teachers and administrative or technical staff), please contact the relevant departments or divisions at Chalmers to enquire about visiting opportunities.
For teaching exchanges, please make sure that there is an interinstitutional agreement (IIA) in place before planning your visit. To find out there is such an agreement, contact your university’s international office (or equivalent). Any new agreements must follow a formal, centralised process at Chalmers and be lodged internally by the relevant educational area.
All administrative issues regarding Erasmus+ visits (signing of mobility agreements, certificates of attendance etc.) will need to be addressed by the departmental or divisional contact.
Erasmus+ Key Action 2 or 3
collaborations with Chalmers (including Erasmus Mundus projects)
If you wish to include Chalmers as a partner in an Erasmus+ Key Action 2 (cooperation among organisations and institutions) or Key Action 3 project (support for policy development and cooperation), you should contact the most suitable department, division or educational area based on the nature and subject of your proposal. You will need internal endorsement and approval of your application by the relevant vice president. Please also be aware that processing time will be needed. The endorsement process requires a general description of the project, Chalmers’ role in the project and project funding information.

Chalmers’ engagement in the Erasmus+ programme
Chalmers’ strategic plan and activities for the Erasmus+ programme period 2021-2027 are described in the Chalmers Erasmus Policy Statement.
As part of the Erasmus+ quality framework, Chalmers has been awarded the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) for 2021-2027. This provides the general principles of participation in the learning mobility of individuals and for cooperation on innovation and good practices under Erasmus+.
More information about Erasmus+ and its sub-programmes is available on the Swedish Council for Higher Education (UHR) and European Commission websites.
UHR: Our programmes (opens in a new window)
European Commission: Opportunities under Erasmus+ (opens in a new window)