The University of Gothenburg and Chalmers have well-developed collaboration in many areas and joint organisations to some extent.
The Departments of Mathematical Sciences and Computer Science and Engineering are integrated, which means that they carry out research and education at both universities.
Computer Science and Engineering
There are also well-established partnerships in the natural sciences, educational development, entrepreneurship, biotechnology, logistics and marine and maritime research. Every day, there are also many informal collaborations between researchers, teachers and students. As two institutes of higher education in the same city, we want to benefit from one another and create a dynamic range of education and research.
Shared centres

Wexsus – West Sweden Nexus for Sustainable Development
A collaborative arena run jointly by Chalmers University of Technology, the University of Gothenburg and University West.

Center for Intellectual Property – CIP
The Center for Intellectual Property (CIP) is an interdisciplinary development centre focusing on knowledge-based business activities.

Lighthouse – maritime research and innovation
Lighthouse is a national centre of excellence for maritime research and innovation. The ambition is to guide the Swedish maritime sector towards the zero vision goal – no harmful emissions to air and water, no accidents and a sustainable working environment combined with increased competitiveness for the industry.

MedTech west – a collaborative platform for medical technology R&D
MedTech West is a collaborative platform for research, education, development and evaluation of new medical technology solutions. We initiate, facilitate and promote increased research collaboration between the healthcare sector, industry and academic researchers. We address real clinical needs in collaboration with relevant clinical staff.

Northern Lead – logistics centre
Northern Lead coordinates and supports logistics research at Chalmers and the University of Gothenburg with the aim of increasing the scope, quality and relevance of the research. https://www.chalmers.se/sv/centrum/northern-lead

Software Center
Software Center works in strategic partnership with industry to accelerate the introduction of new software engineering methods.

Gothenburg Air and Climate Network (GAC)
Gothenburg Air and Climate Network (GAC) is a network for atmospheric research in the Gothenburg region, organised by GMV.