Chalmers has extensive international exchanges, mainly based on the individual contacts of researchers and teachers. At the university level, Chalmers collaborates with top universities around the world through international alliances, networks, joint programmes, platforms and bilateral exchanges. Internationalisation through academic exchanges and mobility are important tools to achieve higher quality in our activities.
Academic alliances
Chalmers also participates in a number of international networks in order to pursue common issues and strategic advocacy with other higher education institutions.
International mobility
Bilateral agreements
Chalmers has bilateral exchange agreements with hundreds of universities around the world. Chalmers’ partner universities are listed in the Moveon database.
The International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience, IAESTE, is an international non-profit organisation that provides paid internships in approximately 90 countries, primarily for technologists, scientists and architects.
The EU’s collaboration programme in higher education is called Erasmus+. The programme provides opportunities for international exchanges and strategic collaborative projects to improve the quality of teaching and learning. More information on Erasmus+ and its sub-programmes is available through the Swedish Council for Higher Education, UHR, and
To get more information about Chalmers overall international collaborations please contact:

- Coordinator Service Centre, Management and General University Support, Chalmers Operations Support

For partner universities handling student and staff mobility
To increase our quality of teaching and learning, Chalmers University of Technology engages in the international exchange and strategic collaboration opportunities offered by the Erasmus+ programme.

Exchange studies
If you’re interested in studying abroad, Chalmers has some fantastic opportunities for you. Chalmers has exchange agreements with hundreds of renowned universities around the world with differing profiles. Credits earned during an exchange can be credited to your Chalmers degree, meaning that your total study period at Chalmers will not be extended.