Several start ups are coming from Area of Advance Nano. Explore the minds, motivations, and methodologies of the individuals that combined nanoscience and entrepreneurship.

ConScience wants to help companies and universities improve their research and production
ConScience was founded in 2012 by Joachim Fritzsche and Annelies Vanbrabant. Today, they co-own the company with Kasper Moth-Poulsen and Marcus Rommel, who has connections to Chalmers University. The company offers manufacturing and process development services, initially established due to the growing need to produce micro- and nanostructures.

VIDEM aims to improve future disease diagnostics
3.7 billion people of the world's population have limited access to reliable diagnostics, something that VIDEM want to change. The company, based on research from Chalmers and Uppsala University, has developed a unique innovation that can revolutionize current diagnostics, making them more reliable, accessible, and cost-effective.

Atium purifies water from mercury
In half of the lakes in Sweden, there are elevated levels of mercury, something that the company Atium wants to change by purifying the water in an innovative way. Atium is based on research by Björn Wickman, Associate professor in chemical physics, and this year the company's first product will be launched.

Nanoscientifica produces nanoparticles
The start-up Nanoscientifica was developed by Robson R. da Silva, Jessica Origo Hernandez and Kasper Moth-Poulsen, Professor in Applied Chemistry. The company produces nanoparticles in an environmental responsible process.

Amferia fights antibiotic resistance
It all started in 2014 with the two PhD students Saba Atefyekta and Anand Kumar Rajasehkaran. Martin Andersson, professor at the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, saw the possibility of combining the knowledge and ideas of the projects into a start-up called Amferia. The company is now expanding and has its material available in several countries.

Smena Catalysis
In 2021 Timur Shegai, Professor in Nano and Biophysics together with the postdoc Battulga Munkhbat and Chalmers Ventures, started the company Smena Catalysis. He describes the process and the challenges of forming your own start-up.

In the spring of 2021, Victor Torres Company, Professor in Photonics, at the Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience started the company Iloomina together with two PhD students from Chalmers.

Sweden Quantum
Sweden Quantum was founded in the spring of 2022 by Simone Gasparinetti and Robert Rehammar from the Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience. In January 2023, Linus Andersson, a master’s student at MC2 joined and is now the CEO of the start-up.