Coordinates research on the unique chemical and physical phenomena that occur at very small dimensions and promotes the development of technologies that utilise these phenomena, for example in electronics, biotechnology, and energy technology.
Research within the Nano Area of Advance is carried out by more than 60 associated Principal Investigators and their groups. Their efforts encompass fundamental and applied questions within energy and sustainability, life science, information technology, nanomaterials science and quantum technologies, while exploring and exploiting phenomena that prevail at very small dimensions.
We foster an ambitious knowledge community, within nanoscience and nanotechnology at Chalmers, that makes key contributions to important societal challenges of our time.
Our goal is to continuously increase the impact of nano-research at Chalmers by stimulating collaboration across disciplines and thereby strengthen our position as the leading Swedish university in the area, and as a prime European nano-centre.
Our mission is to advertise and actively support the concept of translational nanoscience, where scientific discoveries are rapidly taken from academic laboratories to commercialisation and other types of utilisation, by stimulating collaboration with external industrial partners and entrepreneurial activities within the Chalmers innovation system.
In this spirit, we continuously engage and are open for national and international collaborations, reaching from fundamental scientific exchange to industrial partnerships.
Our research areas, centres, and available infrastructure in Nano.
If you are looking for partners in the field of Nano Science, please contact us to discuss your ideas.
Area of Advance Director

- Full Professor, Applied Quantum Physics, Microtechnology and Nanoscience
Area of Advance Co-Director

- Full Professor, Chemical Physics, Physics

- Coordinator, Management and General University Support, Chalmers Operations Support
Communications officers

- Communications Officer, Communications division, Chalmers Operations Support

- Project Leader, Communications division, Chalmers Operations Support
Financial officer

- Financial Controller, Office of Planning, Analysis and Finance, Chalmers Operations Support
Steering group and advisory board
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Network organisation
Degree projects of Area of Advance Nano
From now on, all degree projects (15, 30 and 60 credits) are to be advertised in the Thesis portal. To find the degree projects for Area of Advance Nano, filter by choosing the subject "Nano" in the portal.
For Chalmers employees
As a Chalmers employee, you can find information on the intranet. Here you can download our logotype and see ongoing internal activities. Read more here (log in with CID).
Nano Area of Advance supports research activities in nanoscience at Chalmers through several funding instruments. The only criterion besides relevance of the activities within Nano AoA is scientific excellence. All funding decisions are handled and discussed by the steering group and final decisions are taken by the director. Read more about the funding at the intranet (log in with CID).