Research infrastructures in the field of life science

By making the research infrastructure resources in the Gothenburg region more visible, we can enhance collaboration and utilization across academia, healthcare, authorities, industry, and other stakeholders.

Accessibility of research infrastructures within life science

To conduct research and education at a high international level, researchers depend on robust and sustainable research infrastructures that are open to users. Research infrastructures also contribute to training the next generation of scientists and play a crucial role in enhancing the competitive edge of the Gothenburg Region in life science.

To facilitate increased collaboration and utilization of existing research infrastructures across academia, health care, government agencies, industry, and other stakeholders, these resources need to be made visible. This collective effort aims to strengthen accessibility to research infrastructure for life science within the Gothenburg Region.

Available research infrastructure in life science in the Gothenburg Region

Research infrastructure at Chalmers University of Technology

Research infrastructure at Västra Götalandsregionen including the Sahlgrenska University Hospital

Research infrastructure at Core Facilities, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg

Research infrastructure at Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Gothenburg

Inventory of Available Advanced Equipment

In collaboration with the Faculty of Science and Technology and the Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg, Västra Götalandsregionen, Sahlgrenska University Hospital and Chalmers University of Technology a gradual inventory of existing advanced instruments is taking place. The purpose of this inventory is to:

  • Make existing advanced instruments accessible for others to use,
  • Enhance collaboration among researchers,
  • Improve resource efficiency,
  • Create an overall picture of the advanced equipment available.

What is life science?

Life science encompasses a broad field of study. It can be defined as the science of all living things - how organisms function, interact with, and impact their environment.

The focus lies within biology, human biology, molecular science, nursing science, clinical and preclinical medical science, environmental science, health care, and biotechnology. Additionally, research in life science significantly intersects with areas such as technology, mathematics, chemistry, physics, material science, and pharmacy.

In collaboration the Västra Götaland Region, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, the Faculty of Science and Technology and the Sahlgrenska Academy at the University of Gothenburg and Chalmers University of Technology, jointly undertake initiatives in the field of life science.