On our campuses, we create attractive meeting places for researchers, industry and the public sector – nationally and internationally. In addition, our campuses and facilities are available for collaborative projects.

Public seminars
Chalmers organises regular seminars that are accessible to a wider audience, both the general public and representatives from industry and the public sector. Keep an eye out for our initiative seminars where Chalmers draws attention to exciting intersections between scientific disciplines, subject areas and the world around us. Go to calendar.
Our research infrastructure
Several of our labs and facilities are available for collaborative projects. The facilities range from advanced real or virtual labs to large databases, computing power for large-scale calculations and lavish research facilities. In short, everything needed to conduct truly outstanding research.

Research infrastructures
The concept of a research infrastructure includes everything from advanced real or virtual labs to testbeds, large databases, computer capacity for large-scale calculations and magnificent research facilities. In short, everything necessary to conduct truly outstanding research.

Chalmers Entrepreneurship Village
The Entrepreneurship Village is an environment for sustainable innovation and entrepreneurship that offers a creative meeting place for researchers, students, industry and the rest of society. Subscribe to their newsletter to receive updates about current activities.
Read more about Chalmers Entrepreneurship Village
Establish your business in the Chalmers area
Johanneberg, Lindholmen and Sahlgrenska Science Park are international collaborative environments for academia, industry and various societal partners. A large number of companies with academic expertise are located here. Chalmers technology parks are suitable for organisations operating in the development of new technologies, innovations and new business concepts.
Chalmers is a joint owner of science parks with different focuses:

Lindholmen Science Park: transport, information and communication technologies and media

Sahlgrenska Science Park: life science and technology
Johanneberg Science Park is closed
The projects that Johanneberg Science Park was a part of have either been completed or are being handled by other partners. From July of 2024 there is no longer any activity at Johanneberg Science Park.