Our school commitment aims to stimulate youth in science, technology and mathematics. Children and young people get to see that it is exciting and possible to contribute to a sustainable society.

Inspiring young people to a career in STEM
Broadening participation in STEM is an important aim of our outreach program.
We provide children and young individuals with opportunities to visit the University through study visits or participate in spare-time activities that offer assistance and support with their studies.
Chalmers organises talks, festivals, seminars, and open lectures specifically designed for school students and staff. We foster close partnerships with other universities, industry, and educational arenas such as the National Science Festival.
Furthermore, the University facilitates various collaborative initiatives that focus on stimulating STEM topics. Notable examples include "Save the Egg," "Teknikåttan" (a technology and science competition), and "Young Researchers." The primary objective of these programs is to instill excitement, and a sense of possibility within the younger generation, empowering them to contribute to building a sustainable society.
More information is available on the Swedish webpage. Or contact Chalmers school outreach through email: skolsamverkan@chalmers.se