Courses for our partner companies

During the fall 2024, Wingquist Laboratory is offering short courses in our methods and software, exclusively for our partner companies. The courses range from a few hours to 2 days in length and will be held between September and November 2024, either in-person in Gothenburg or online via Teams.

The courses are listed on this page. When we see the interest in different courses, we will set dates and send a registration email to the ones indicating interest in each specific course.

The courses are exclusive for our partner companies and free of charge.

Our partner companies

The courses are closed for registration.

Courses in RD&T

RD&T is a simulation software aiming to predict geometrical quality in assembled products. We 
build a simulation model describing the assembly process. Inspection data or part tolerances 
are used as input and the output is geometrical deviation/variation.

Variation Simulation: Rigid Analysis

Course content: You will learn basic functionality in RD&T, such as defining a model and 
necessary inputs, running a variation simulation, a contribution analysis and a stability analysis.

Course extent: 2 days. Digital or physical, depending on interest.

Prerequisites: None

Variation Simulation: Non-Rigid Analysis

Course content: You will learn the non-rigid functionality in RD&T. You will learn how to import 
FEA meshes, how to define over-constrained locating schemes, how to include contact
modelling, how to specify joining sequence, and finally how to run variation simulation.

Course extent: 1 day. Digital or physical, depending on interest.

Prerequisites: Variation Simulation: Rigid Analysis

Welding Simulation

Course content: You will learn two types of continuous welding simulations. The transient 
simulation calculates the temperature in small time-steps, is accurate but time consuming. The 
SCV simulation is an approximate method that is much faster and still very accurate.

Course extent: 1/2 day. Digital or physical, depending on interest.

Prerequisites: Variation Simulation: Rigid Analysis, Variation Simulation: Non-Rigid Analysis

Composite Simulation

Course content: You will learn how to model and analyze a non-rigid part made of fiber 
reinforced material. The difference from an ordinary non-rigid model is that more advanced 
material properties can be specified. A part can also have varying thickness and different 
number of composite plies.

Course extent: 1/2 day. Digital or physical, depending on interest.

Prerequisites: Variation Simulation: Rigid Analysis, Variation Simulation: Non-Rigid Analysis

Virtual Fixture

Course content: You will learn how to prepare a scanning using a fixture based on three 
spheres, how to scan the part, and how to analyze the part in 1) free form in 2) a virtual fixture 
and 3) in its final position in the assembly.

Course extent: 1 day. Physical

Prerequisites: Variation Simulation: Rigid Analysis, Variation Simulation: Non-Rigid Analysis

Future Directions Variation Simulation

Course content: You will get a presentation of the future direction of RD&T – what new 
functionality is in the pipeline and what research is going on. You will also have a chance to 
express need and give feedback related to RD&T to the team.

Course extent: 2h Digital or physical, depending on interest.

Prerequisites: None

Courses in IPS

Industrial path solutions, IPS, is a software suite based on innovative algorithms for virtual 
product realization. The world's leading manufacturing companies use IPS for tasks ranging 
from assembly feasibility, flexible components design, robot optimization to simulation of 
complex flow and surface treatment processes.

Rigid Body Path Planner (Jonas Kressin)

Course content: You will learn the basics of IPS and the Rigid Body Path Planner module. This 
includes setting up and performing path planning simulations as well as analyzing assembly 
clearances and creating swept volumes.

Course extent: 2-4 hours

Prerequisites: None

Cable Simulation (Fredrik Norström)

Course content: You will learn the basics of IPS and the Cable Simulation module. The course 
will take you through typical application areas such as physics-based design of cables and 
hoses, validation of flexibles in motion and in assembly as well as optimization of lengths and 
clip positions. The hands-on education will be based on 2-3 realistic cases from manufacturing 

Course extent: 8 hours

Prerequisites: None

IMMA (Fredrik Norström)

Course content: You will learn the basics of IPS and the IMMA module. In the start of the course 
you will perform a simple rigid body path planning simulation to find an assembly path for a 
part. For the main part of the course you will create manikin families and set up the assembly 
scenarios, simulate and assess ergonomics. The hands-on education will be based on a 
realistic case from manufacturing industry.

Course extent: 4 hours

Prerequisites: Basic IPS Rigid Body Path Planner preferred

VR (Fredrik Norström)

Course content: Extension of the IMMA course in which we utilize VR in the setup and 
simulation of the case.

Course extent: 2 hours.

Prerequisites: IMMA

Robot Path Planning and Optimization (Jonas Kressin)

Course content: You will learn the basics of IPS and the Robot Optimization module. By the end 
of the course you will be able to generate finished robot code for a 4-robot stud welding station, 
and to monitor important properties such as minimum clearance to surroundings and between 
robots. The course will start with an introduction about how to jog robots and measure 
distances. Next the course will go through all the main steps for creating a cycle-time optimized 
robot program, and finally how to export the finished robot code.

Course extent: 4 hours

Prerequisites: None

Systematic Layout Planning and Optimization

Course content: You will learn the basics of IPS and the Layout Planning and Optimization 
module. This includes how to utilize the modelling framework for defining resources and 
constraints, running an optimization, and evaluating manual operation sequences for different 

Course extent: 1 half day if attendees already know IPS Basic, 1 whole day otherwise. Physical 

Prerequisites: None

Course in Automation

Systematic testing of AI-based systems

Course content: As the intricacy of systems being tested grows with the addition of more interacting 
subsystems, including those powered by AI for functions such as perception or planning, there 
is a critical need to adopt more sophisticated testing techniques to manage this complexity. 
This course offers an introduction to cutting-edge test methods tailored for AI-based systems. 
We will cover how to model requirements and environments, utilize optimization-based search 
techniques to identify counterexamples that breach specifications, and implement effective 
monitoring strategies during testing and operation. We will use case studies from autonomous 
vehicle technology, the development of electric drivetrains, and manufacturing systems as 

Course extent: 1 whole day. Physical attendance.

Prerequisites: None, but Matlab/Simulink will be used for demonstration purposes.