Quantum sensing is a very wide research field, comprising many different types of sensors for a large number of application areas. Within WACQT, we do research within a number of different areas, see the list of projects below.
This page describes quantum sensing research performed within WACQT. For a general introduction to quantum sensing, please go to the page Quantum sensing. Our research projects in quantum sensing are loosely structured in four different areas:
- Bio-related projects and applications
- Microwave detection and manipulation
- Quantum metrology and quantum-enhanced measurements
- Theory
Coordinators of efforts in quantum sensing:
Katia Gallo, gallo@kth.se, +46 76 517 33 15
Peter Samuelsson, peter.samuelsson@teorfys.lu.se, +46 46 222 9078
Markus Hennrich, markus.hennrich@fysik.su.se, +46 8 553 786 14
Research projects in quantum sensing
Bio-related projects and applications
Development of instruments for deep tissue imaging with molecular specificity
The project investigates how quantum structures that reduce the speed of light to a few tens of km/s can be used for enabling optical imaging deep inside the human body.
Principal investigators: Johannes Swartling, SpectraCure AB and Stefan Kröll, Lund University
Industrial postdoc: Egle Bukarte, SpectraCure/Lund University
Cavity QED to image otherwise dark single molecules
The project aims at building a microscope able to detect dark transitions in molecules by micro-cavity Purcell enhancement.
Principal investigators: Ivan Scheblykin and Andreas Walther, Lund University
PhD student: Safi Rafie-Zinedine, Lund University
Quantum Spectrometer for full measurement of light properties: spectroscopy, time resolved data and photon correlation
The project will develop a quantum spectrometer: a device to acquire spectra with high time resolution at the single photon level for applications in quantum sensing. The device will consist of an array of high-efficiency single photon detectors combined with a spectrometer to perform a full measurement on the statistics of light.
Principal investigators: Val Zwiller, KTH, and Quantum Scopes AB
Biomolecular sensing via single molecule fluorescence fluctuation parameters
Fluctuations in the light emitted by a fluorescent marker molecule depends strongly on local conditions, such as oxygenation, viscosity, and molecular interactions. This project aims to analyse the light fluctuations and use it for biomolecular sensing applications.
Principal investigators: Jerker Widengren and Katia Gallo, KTH
PhD student: Abhilash Kulkarni, KTH
SiC for nanoscale magnetometry
Colour centres in silicon carbide (SiC) have the potential to measure e.g. magnetic fields with ultra-high sensitivity. The goal of this project is to develop a SiC-based quantum magnetic microscope for living cells.
Principal investigators: Mohamed Bourennane, Stockholm University, Tien Son Nguyen and Jawad Ul-Hassan, Linköping University
Postdoc: Nassim Mohammedi, Stockholm University
Microwave detection and manipulation
Quantum sensing with trapped Rydberg ions
The project studies trapped Rydberg ions for very sensitive electric and microwave field detection. Entangled Rydberg ion states have the potential to further enhance the measurement sensitivity.
Principal investigator: Markus Hennrich, Stockholm University
PhD student: Harry Parke, Stockholm University
Quantum radar
The project explores the possibility for quantum-enhanced radar technology, for example by the use of squeezed microwave photons.
Principal investigators: Per Delsing and Göran Johansson, Chalmers, and Anders Ström, Saab
Industrial PhD students: Robert Jonsson and Martin Ankel, Saab/Chalmers
Microwave generation and detection with quantum dots – toward single-shot microwave photodetectors and non-classical light sources
The project aims at developing material-defined quantum dot structures and use them for generation and detection of single microwave photons.
Principal investigator: Ville Maisi, Lund University
Postdoc: Subhomoy Haldar, Lund University
Quantum sensor of single photons from GHz to THz range
This project will use graphene, doped to the Dirac point, as an extremely sensitive and fast quantum detector of electromagnetic radiation in a wide frequency range at a single-photon level.
Principal investigator: Sergey Kubatkin, Chalmers
Postdoc: Federico Chianese, Chalmers
Ultra-coherent mechanical resonators for quantum-enhanced sensing
This project will capitalize on the exquisite isolation of a magnetically levitated, micrometer-sized superconducting particle and its coupling to superconducting circuits. This unique experimental platform should be capable of enabling quantum control over the center-of-mass motion of the levitated particle. The particle displacement is sensitive to small forces or accelerations, which makes this platform suitable as a novel quantum-enhanced sensor.
Principal investigator: Witlef Wieczorek, Chalmers
PhD student: Achintya Paradkar, Chalmers
Quantum metrology and quantum-enhanced measurements
Quantum-limited displacement sensing with integrated free-space cavity optomechanical devices
The goal of this project is to develop a novel free-space, on-chip cavity optomechanical system based on photonic crystal slabs in the crystalline InGaP/AlGaAs material system. The objectives of the project are to simulate, fabricate and characterize suitable devices, and to benchmark their force and displacement sensitivity.
Principal investigator: Witlef Wieczorek, Chalmers
Postdoc: Anastasiia Ciers, Chalmers
Kinetic inductive mechano-electric coupling (KIMEC)
The project will optimize a new type of electro-mechanical coupling based on strain dependence of kinetic inductance in a superconducting nanowire. The goal is to create a strong coupling between a high-Q mechanical mode with an electromagnetic mode. One application is force sensing for scanning probe microscopy.
Principal investigator: David Haviland, KTH
Postdoc: to be recruited
Ultrafast quantum metrology – extending quantum control towards the femto- and attosecond time scales
The aim of this project is to study the quantum coherence of electron wavepackets created by absorption of attosecond lightpulses.
Principal investigator: Anne L’Huillier, Lund University
PhD student: Mattias Ammitzböll, Lund University
Resolution-unlimited measurement of the spatial/spectral separation of two emitters by detection and analysis of the spatial mode structure/quantum control
If based on the principles of quantum mechanics, it could be possible to construct a measurement capable of “seeing” beyond the resolution limit. This project aims at testing this under realistic conditions, accessing parameters that would allow for applications of quantum sensing.
Principal investigator: Ana Predojević, Stockholm University
PhD student: Jaewon Lee, Stockholm University
Frequency-structured materials for enhanced optical frequency references
The aim of this project is to explore frequency-structured materials in which light travels extremely slowly for precision optical frequency references and, in the longer run, improved frequency standards.
Principal investigators: Martin Zelan, Rise and Lars Rippe, Lund University
Industrial PhD student: Marcus Lindén, Rise/Lund University
Quantum light spectroscopy
Quantum light spectroscopy in envisioned to be able to achieve high temporal and spectral resolution in a single measurement. This project aims at performing spectroscopy with entangled photons using a modulation technique from our coherent multidimensional spectroscopy implementation.
Principal investigator: Tönu Pullerits, Lund University
Postdoc: Sankaran Ramesh, Lund University
Quantum sensing with non-classical microwaves generated in hybrid nanowire-cavity systems
The project will theoretically analyse the non-classical properties of microwave states generated by electrical transport through a nanowire double-quantum-dot system embedded in a microwave resonator. Having established optimal system properties for non-classical microwave generation, proof-of-concept experiments for quantum sensing will be proposed and analysed theoretically.
Principal investigator: Peter Samuelsson, Lund University
PhD student: Drilon Zenelaj, Lund University
Theory of quantum sensing based on nanostructures coupled to microwave photons
This project will use and develop theoretical methods to investigate coupling between microwave photons and the charge and spin degrees of freedom of electrons confined in quantum dots, with different applications in quantum sensing.
Principal investigator: Martin Leijnse, Lund University
PhD student: to start in 2024
Sensing based on electric currents with sensitivity enhanced by entanglement and coherence
The project theoretically investigates sensing based on the electric current through quantum dot-based systems. The aim is to find ways to use quantum coherence and entanglement to reach sensitivities not limited by temperature or other external energy scales. Learn more in this short film by Stephanie Matern.
Principal investigator: Martin Leijnse, Lund University
Postdoc: Stephanie Matern, Lund University
Materials solution for nanoscale quantum sensing
Point-defect qubits in wide-band-gap materials, such as NV centres in diamond, have opened new horizons for nanoscale sensing. This project aims at developing the theoretical and software tools to identify and screen for new point-defect qubit candidates in various wide-band-gap host materials.
Principal investigator: Igor Abrikosov, Linköping University
PhD student: William Stenlund, Linköping University
Entanglement and open systems
The starting point of the project is to theoretically investigate open quantum systems functioning as thermal machines for the purpose of generating steady state entanglement. The goal is to find ways of generating strong forms of entanglement with machines that consume minimal resources.
Principal investigator: Armin Tavakoli, Lund University
New avenues to quantum nonlocality
The overall goal of the project is to investigate quantum nonlocality in new physical scenarios, with the aim of revealing stronger forms of this phenomenon, that can then also be used for device-independent quantum communication.
Principal investigator: Armin Tavakoli, Lund University
PhD student: Nicola D'Alessandro, Lund University
Entanglement: characterization, detection and application
The project has started by focusing on efficient and informative entanglement detection methods for high-dimensional multipartite quantum systems. We have achieved both conceptual and technical innovation, pertaining to fidelity estimation methods and to methods for determining the genuine dimension of entanglement in large systems.
Principal investigator: Armin Tavakoli, Lund University
PhD student: Gabriele Cobucci, Lund University
Non-Hermitian topological sensors
Non-Hermitian topology is a new cross-disciplinary frontier enriching the phenomenology of topological phases traditionally studied in condensed matter physics with qualitatively new effects of dissipation ubiquitous in atomic and photonic systems. This project will investigate the ramifications of this field on quantum technology.
Principal investigator: Emil Bergholtz, Stockholm University
PhD student: Oscar Arandes Tejerina, Stockholm University
Finished projects
Circuit quantum electrodynamics with epitaxially defined quantum dots (Ville Maisi)