WACQT has spurred several promising spin-offs, each advancing quantum technology in unique ways.
Atlantic Quantum
Aiming to develop fault-tolerant quantum computers based on superconducting qubits, Atlantic Quantum is a spin-off of MIT and Chalmers University of Technology. It is headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts, with a subsidiary in Gothenburg. The company secured a SEK 95 million seed investment in 2022, money which will fund the expansion of Atlantic Quantum’s team both in the USA and Sweden.
Co-founded by Jonas Bylander, Chalmers University of Technology.
Atlantic Quantum
Deep Light Vision
Deep Light Vision is developing a new form of medical imaging method called Ultrasound Optical Tomography that can provide the option to image the oxygenation inside organs such as the brain, heart, or parts of the body with suspected cancer. The method, which utilises narrowband optical quantum-engineered rare-earth crystal filters as a key component, aims to provide a faster and easier diagnosis of medical conditions such as stroke, heart attack, cancerous tumours, and other medical conditions. Three filed patent applications.
Co-founded by Stefan Kröll, Lund University.
Deep Light Vision
Quantum Enabling Technologies
Quantum Enabling Technologies, based in Gothenburg, Sweden, specializes in superconducting microwave components for quantum and microwave technology. Their key product is a superconducting traveling-wave parametric amplifier, which offers near-quantum-limited noise performance, minimizes thermal load, and reduces space and component requirements in cryostats. Their innovations aim to advance quantum computing, impacting industries like healthcare and cybersecurity.
QET Sweden
quCertify AB is a Swedish quantum technology startup that provides solutions for secure communication and quantum networks for the IT security industry. It is a spin-off of the quantum information and quantum optics group in the Physics department at Stockholm University. It benefits from 25 years of experience in quantum communication. quCertify AB develops, validates, and commercialises enabling technologies such as quantum random number generation, entanglement sources, picosecond pulsed lasers, multifold coincidence counting, and time-tagging instruments. quCertify AB is a partner in the National Quantum Communication Infrastructure in Sweden project. quCertify AB’s projects have received support from the EU and Vinnova.
SCALINQ aims to provide complete packaging solutions to enable large-scale superconducting quantum processors. Its first product, Linqer, which is already for sale, can scale up to 596 microwave control lines. It is a patented sample holder designed with extreme precision and flexibility to fit a variety of quantum processor designs with high-end performance output. Interest from the community has been huge, and SCALINQ has released several additional prodcuts since incorporation.
Co-founded by Robert Rehammar, Giovanna Tancredi, and Sandoko Kosen from Chalmers University of Technology.
SCALINQ - Enabling Scalable Quantum Computers
Sweden Quantum AB
Its first product-in-prototype and patent pending is the High-Energy Radiation Drain (HERD), a new type of infrared-blocking filter for quantum computing applications. Unlike commonly used copper-powder or Eccosorb filters, HERD combines very low ripples and insertion loss in the passband with high rejection in the stopband.
Co-founded by Simone Gasparinetti and Robert Rehammar, Chalmers University of Technology.
Sweden Quantum