Apply for WACQT industrial PhD or postdoc projects 2024
The Wallenberg Center for Quantum Technology (WACQT) invites small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to submit applications for industrial PhD or industrial postdoc projects. In total, approximately three projects will be funded during the call with the goal of strengthening collaborations between WACQT and the industry, especially with small and medium-sized companies that develop enabling technologies of strategic relevance for the WACQT program.
For industrial PhD projects, the grant applies to people who have not yet been admitted to any postgraduate programme. During the grant period, the industrial PhD student must conduct research corresponding to at least 80% of a full-time position and devote the equivalent of four years of full-time work to the project.
For industrial postdoc projects, the opportunity applies to people who have obtained a doctoral degree. During the grant period, the industrial postdoc must conduct research corresponding to at least 80% of a full-time position and devote two years of full-time work to the project.
Last day to apply is 17.00 (CET) 30 June 2024.
Read more and how to apply in the document below.