WACQT Summer School 2025

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Aspenäs Herrgård
Aspenäs Herrgård

An inspiring educational event held every second year since 2019. 

A chance to learn from world-renowned experts in quantum technology, develop essential soft skills through career panels, pitch talks, and unconscious bias training, and network with 60-70 like-minded students and professionals. 

The 4th WACQT Summer School will take place 18-22 August at Aspenäs Herrgård (outside Lerum center, 20 kilometers northeast of Gothenburg).

Program and registration link will open in March.

Confirmed speakers:
  • Michèle Heurs, University of Hannover
  • Joe Amentado, NIST
  • Shruti Puri, Yale University
  • Nathan Wiebe, University of Toronto
  • Sarah Thomas, University of Oxford

We will have a half-day workshop given by Anders Sahlman on how to make popular science presentations.

WACQT Summer School 2025

An educational event held every second year since 2019.  A chance to learn from world-renowned experts in quantum technology, develop essential soft skills through career panels, pitch talks, and unconscious bias training, and network with 60-70 like-minded students and professionals. 

WACQT Summer School 2023

Welcome to the 3rd WACQT Summer School that will include lecturers from around the world, panel discussion on motivation, work-life balance and much more.