WACQT Lab Course 2025

The course consists of four experimental labs, including preparatory lectures and exercises. Each lab will be performed at a different university and last in total two to three days. 

The aim of the course is to give the participating graduate students a hands-on experience of basic quantum technology experiments. By performing different experiments at the Swedish universities participating in WACQT, the students will also get an overview of the quantum technology research performed in Sweden and establish valuable contacts with colleagues working in the field.

After a completed course the students should have acquired 
  • basic knowledge about quantum technology research performed at Swedish universities.
  • detailed knowledge about four central quantum technology concepts.    
  • skills to perform, with some supervision, basic quantum technology experiments.

Credit points: 6 hp (1,5 hp/lab)
Semester: Fall 2025

Each Lab course resposible will send schedule to registered before start. 

Register - WACQT Lab Course 2025

Quantum Algorithms and Quantum Key Distribution
22-23 October, two whole days
Linköping University
Jan Åke Larsson, jan-ake.larsson@liu.se
Guilherme Xavier guilherme.b.xavier@liu.se

Quantum information with attosecond light pulses  
3-4 November, two whole days
Lund University
David Busto, david.busto@fysik.lth.se
Andreas Walther andreas.walther@fysik.lth.se

Quantum Information with Photons and Atoms
19-21 November, from noon to noon
KTH & Stockholm University, at Albanova.
Vaishali Adya, adya@kth.se
Markus Hennrich markus.hennrich@fysik.su.se 

Quantum Information in Superconducting Circuits   
3-5 December, from noon to noon. 
Giovanna Tancredi, tancredi@chalmers.se
Simone Gasparinetti simoneg@chalmers.se