Helsinki field trip 2024

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WACQT graduate school is organizing a visit to Helsinki, to learn about Finnish efforts within quantum technology.

18-21 September 2024, WACQT graduate school is organizing a visit to InstituteQ in Helsinki, to learn about Finnish efforts within quantum technology. Due to space limitations, the trip is only open for WACQT PhD students and postdocs within the WACQT Sweden-Finland program. The trip is mandatory for WACQT PhD students.

***Please consider whether you need to update your travel documents and/or residence permits. You can visit Finland with a valid Swedish residence permit, but without one you may not even be allowed back into Sweden.***

Registration and deadline

Register for the trip
Deadline for registration is June 19.

Preliminary information, travel

We travel together with ferry from Stockholm to Helsinki and back. Detailed information about the trip will follow later, a rough schedule is as follows

  • The Tallink Silja Line ferry Serenade leaves from Värtahamnen at 16.45, Wednesday September 18 and arrives in Helsinki at 10.30, Thursday September 19. A bus takes us from the ferry to the visit site.
  • Travel to and from Stockholm is arranged and covered by each participant for themselves (or as agreed in the research group).
  • EDI-WACQT will hold an evening session on the ferry out and preparatory information will be sent out by email a few weeks before the trip.
  • The scientific part of the visit is lunch-to-lunch, September 19 to 20, see program information below. We stay overnight at the Heymo hotel.
  • A bus takes us from the visit site to the ferry after lunch. The Tallink Silja Line ferry Symphony leaves from Olympiaterminalen Helsinki at 17:00 Friday September 20 and arrives in Stockholm on Saturday September 21, 10.00.
  • The Graduate school covers the costs for the ferry, hotel in Helsinki and lunches and dinners during the visit. Breakfasts during the visit are arranged and covered by the participants and/or their research groups.

As usual, PhD students are requested to share the ferry cabin and hotel room with a colleague of the same gender. If you have a preference, please agree with that person and let us know in your registration.

For those who wish to stay an extra day in Finland, subject to availability, there is an option to take the ferry back one day later, to be requested in the registration. WACQT will still cover the boat trip back, but no dinner onboard.

Preliminary information, scientific program

The scientific program consists of presentations by research groups at Aalto university and Helsinki university, presentations by quantum technology companies and visits to research and institute laboratories. A detailed program will follow later.