EDU-WACQT support for quantum technology undergraduate education

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Students at Chalmers

WACQT, with support from the Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg Foundation (MMW) through the EDU-WACQT program, is supporting coordination and development of courses and course modules in quantum technology, at Swedish universities.

The support is intended for teacher salaries, basic lab equipment and other costs directly related to the course development and coordination, including giving a new or modified course a first time. The funding can be used during the two academic years 24/25 and 25/26, that is, starting in the fall 2024. In total, we expect to fund 8-10 courses over two years. 

We aim for two application opportunities per year throughout the funding period, with the first application deadline June 20 this year, 2024. The next application opportunity, planned for October or November, will be announced later. 

To apply for support for course coordination and development, send the following information to the graduate school director (
- A short description of the course/coordination effort (max 500 words).
- A coarse budget with estimated full costs (including OH) for teacher salaries, lab equipment and other possible items. 
- A short description of how the course/coordination efforts fulfill one or several of the aims for EDU-WACQT project, see below.

The graduate school committee will then respond, before the end of June, with a decision for the type and amount of support, possibly after requesting more information.

The aims of the EDU-WACQT are (at Swedish universities):
- to lead to development of new courses within quantum technology.
- to make new and existing quantum technology courses available between universities.
- to support existing and novel course modules, including bachelor and master’s programs and tracks in quantum technology.

A condition for the support is that the developed material for the courses is made openly available, including at the WACQT homepage, so that they can be used at all Swedish universities.

We emphasize that the support will follow standard MMW rules for indirect costs, details will be communicated to the applicants who are being granted support.