Beatrice Sterner
Social Bridges - Intergenerational Housing
Karl-Johan Gydell
Golden Slumbers - Family Hospice
Emma Law-Bo-Kang
Atlas of Colors - Colors for Better Therapeutic Environments
Hanna Johansson
NIMA in Uppsala - A Neurosurgery Unit for Postoperative- and Intermediate Care
Emelie Stenhammar
The Senior Farm - Where You Grow Young - The Farm Where Senior Housing Meets a Kindergarten
Linnéa Schultz
Integrating Wisdom - Promoting Wellness Through the Design of an Intergenerational Preschool
Martina Verme
Rethinking a place for change - An architectural interpretation of the incarcerated youth's place for treatment
Sara Bergquist
Remain Calm - A centre for healing the stressed
Zonghao Wu
Mind&Body Rehab - Rehabilitation Center where peoples' body and their mind recover
Marcela Dzieciatkowska
Senior health park - A health promotive community park for older adults
Emma Frykberg
Bridging the gap - An intergenerational care facility where young and old people are sharing their everyday life
Ebba Barkfors & Jennie Bergman
A (s)pace for rest - How architecture can support recovery and reduce stress for hospital staff
Xue Zeng & Yunbai Shi
Urban Residence. Response to COVID-19 - Apartment building redesign to decrease secondary transmission risk and maintain life satisfaction.
Sandra Kärnstrand
Care for change - A design proposal exploring convertibility between wards and outpatient departments
Saga Nilsson
Healing spaces
Monika Ewa Lusnia
Begin Again
Jalal Diarbakarli
The Bridge - A Bridge Back into Community
Louise Sivertsson
What about tomorrow? - Design for the Unknown Future in Healthcare Architecture
Ella Davidsson
Movement and Materiality - An architectural exploration of a Dance/Movement Therapy Centre
Aida Davallou
Modular Healthcare - Temporary healthcare facilities in wood
Agnes Ståhl
Gnistan - The Spark - A Support Center for People Affected by Cancer
Agnes Engström
Andrum - exploring the use of biophilic architectural design in the context of a Gothenburg cancer support center
Saman Aliramaei
Skanshuset - Health promotive intergenerational co-housing project
Susanna Arsaelsson
Focused in school
Sara Blomstrand
Healthy housing - A Residential Project for Students
Alexandra Bäckström
Matter, Outer Space, Structure - Spacecraft design from a health perspective
Frida Forkman, Amanda Sahlén
A Library in Linné - Exploring the Intersection of a Wooden Construction and a Library
Jenny Jönsson
Urban Refuge
Linnea Leijon
Stress Meets Nature - A Therapeutic Center
Agnes Leo
Destress - A Place to Prevent and Treat Stress
Åsa Martinsson
Connect with music - a music therapy centre
Tian Rong
Dialogue in the Dark – Design inclusive space for the visually impaired
Sandra Andersson
A Lust to Learn - An Exploration of How to Create Atmospheres Contributing to Learning and Mental Wellbeing
Malin Caesar
Park the Stress - How a Stress Recovery Center Can Be Designed to Support Stress Reduction in an Urban Setting
Olof Holmblad
The Health Bringing Office
Julia Mattsson
Meet the Sea
Linnea Nykvist
A Matter of Life
Jessica Pleijel
A Home Away from Home
Elias Sandberg
Light and Built Form
Evelina Spaak
A Natural View
Therese Svensson
Nathalie Kullberg
Future-Proof Hospital in Tanzania
Irmeli Magnusson
Understanding Architects - Exploring Representations of Architecture to Understand How Architects Communicate Visually in a Design Process
Zhu Fangzhou
Healing for Survivors
Xiaojin Liu
Healthcare Lab 2040
Praveena Vasantha Priya Ashok Jayasingh
Resuscitate Petite Minds
Carlos Amador
Facilities in Mexico - Providing a Supportive Restorative Enviroment for Patients and Staff
Sandra Dawood, Emelie Joelsson
Care of Kolandoto - The Role of Cultural and Local Adaption in Hospital Design
Mengyao Hou
Healthlink 2030 - "A Web of Care" Future Healthcare Building in Gothenburg Area
Anita Mustonen
Caring Architecture - The Design of a New Building for Children and Adolescent Psychiatry in Gothenburg
Lisa Bergstrand
Kolandoto on Call - Developing an Emergency Department Through Participatory Design
Annika Danielsson
Healthy Hospital Design - The Case of Kolandoto Hospital in Tanzania
Xue Han
Healing Light - Proposal of Child Adolescent Psychiatry Department With Daylight Design
Hongyin Liu
Hospice in Biskopsgården
Jing Ju
Hospital Architecture in China - Throught Comparison Between Chinese and Nordic Hospital Design
Wenhao Shang
Visionary Healthcare - New Health Centre Design at Eklandagatan
Hanna Vilhelmsson
Senectus Collective - En konceptstudie av framtidens boende för äldre
Giada Albonico
New Psychiatry and Somatic Ward Building In Falköping
Sophy Sapan Longe-Olsson
Heart Healing - In Search of Care Science and Behind the Art of Healing Environment
Dennis Carlsson
Architecture and Multimodal Stimulation in Neuro Intensive Care
Danuta Czarnecka
Gateway Sahlgrenska. Sahlgrenska City of Competence
Fabien Martin; Niranjan Tamrakar
Västerås Operation Center
Shadi Jalali Heravi
Care for Women - Refurbishment of Women Clinic at Akademiska Sjukhuset in Uppsala
Aleksandra Piechota; Sana Rabia
Vita Nova - new life - Design visions for the future of maternal health care
Caroline Jokiniemi; Christine Tam
Beyond white walls - unconventional hospital design
Jenny Askåsen
Designprocess från ett aktivitetsperspektiv - en bredare syn på tillgänglighet
Maria Edenbrandt
Igelösa Hospice
Michael Apple
A Handbook on Facility Follow-Up_A Comparative Study on Intensive Care Patient Rooms
Cagil Kayan
Neuro Architecture. Enriching Healthcare Environments for Children
David Bergman
Nya rum för sjukvård - Om vårdarkitektur och en ny avdelning för medicinvård i Värnamo
Ladislav Oborsky
New Psychiatry Ward Building In Falköping
Sally Yu; Tansu Bozdogan
Delivering the Future: Maternity and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Departments at Östra Sjukhuset - Sahlgrenska University Hospital
Kristina Brissman
Fristad: - habiliteringens nya lokaler
Elin Rittmark
Empowering architecture: vårdcentral på Angereds närsjukhus = primary care centre at Angered's nearby hospital
Michael Zulueta
New specialized care building at Örebro university hospital
Besar Zifla
Wellcome : the transformation of healthcare
Johanna Raflund
Building 33, Malmö University Hospital
Maria Berezecka
IVA : vision and reality
Mikael Rücker; Isak Runeson
Ny psykiatrisk klinik : vid Norrlands universitetssjukhus i Umeå