Members area
for members (chemprocess.chalmers.se)
Benefits and rights for member companies
- opportunity to influence research groups, in CPE, and their future direction
- eligibility for CPEs steering group
- ability to participate in to the reference groups for projects within the projects initialized by CPE
- opportunity to participate in organized PhD courses in CPE
- ability to propose seminars, courses and workshops
- opportunity to participate in the CPE arranged seminars, courses and workshops
- AstraZeneca – Ingela Niklasson Björn
- Borealis - René Dicke
- Perstorp – Oleg Pajalic
- Essity – Charlotta Hanson
- AFRY – Tobias Petersson

Anders Rasmuson
- Professor Emeritus, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

Krister Ström
- Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

Bengt Andersson
- Professor Emeritus, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

Ronnie Andersson
- Centrumföreståndare, Centre for Chemical Process Engineering

Torsten Wik
- Head of Unit, Systems and Control, Electrical Engineering

Srdjan Sasic
- Full Professor, Fluid Dynamics, Mechanics and Maritime Sciences

Hanna Härelind
- Head of Department, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

Arni Halldorsson
- Full Professor, Supply and Operations Management 00, Technology Management and Economics

Louise Olsson
- Head of Division, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

Gaetano Sardina
- Professor, Fluid Dynamics, Mechanics and Maritime Sciences

Henrik Thunman
- Full Professor, Energy Technology, Space, Earth and Environment

Jia Wei Chew
- Full Professor, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering