Over fifteen novel powder materials and related additive manufacturing (AM) processes have been developed by the CAM² consortia, a number of them already available on the market. Our impact cases offer a short overview of some successful endeavors in material and AM process development, forged through collaborative efforts between academic and industrial partners in CAM².
More information about each of the impact cases can be provided on request.

Additive Manufacturing for Chalmers Formula Student
CAM² is one of the sponsors of Chalmers Formula Student, the project where 50 students spend a year designing and building an open-wheel racing car, to compete against teams from technical universities from all over the world.

Strengthening Metal Alloys for High-Temperature Applications
A study published in Materialia focused on optimizing the Powder Bed Fusion – Laser Beam (PBF-LB) method without inducing cracks in a metal alloy known for its resilience under extreme temperatures.

Injector Yoke for the Automotive Industry
To date, the commercial availability of steels for PBF-LB remains limited. To improve upon this, research at CAM² has focused on the development of low-alloy steels for PBF-LB to help expand the application of the technology to new markets such as the automotive industry.

Development of Ferrous Alloys for PBF-LB
Currently, the number of commercially available ferrous alloys in PBF-LB is limited to a select group of stainless and tool steels. Research in CAM2 has focused on the development of C-containing steels for PBF-LB that can be used in structural applications.

Increased productivity of laser powder bed fusion
One of the main challenges with laser powder bed fusion are associated with a low productivity. This project aimed to improved the productivity by increasing the layer thickness from 20 µm up to 80 µm.

3D puzzle piece
The 3D puzzle piece was designed by a CAM2 student. It was a student project in Design for Additive Manufacturing (DfAM) aimed to design a give-away gift part to CAM2 members and partners. The part was designed to showcase the capability of Laser-Powder Bed Fusion (L-PBF) in making multiple parts in one build with precise control of internal and external geometrical features.

Tailored Gas for additive manufacturing
This project aims at understanding the effect of the process gas on the interaction of the laser beam with the powder bed during the Laser-Powder Bed Fusion process. Today, the process gas is considered a minor parameter compared to for example the laser power or the scanning speed. Its role has been limited to ensuring a laminar flow over the building area and removing projections.

Tailored processing parameters for PBF-LB of 316L
A wide window of processing parameters for Laser-Powder Bed Fusion (PBF-LB) processing of 316L stainless steel was identified based on our research to provide flexible solutions in printing parts of complex geometry.

Heat Exchanger Designs for Additive Manufacturing
Additive manufacturing (AM) allows engineers to re-think designs and offers high levels of design freedom. This makes the technology highly interdisciplinary as specialist knowledge is required to create design solutions. As part of a interdisciplinary master course, students were tasked to develop heat exchanger designs for AM.