The following instructions apply to the majority of the positions that are processed by the Faculty appointment committee and that are regulated by the Rules of Procedure - Chalmers University of Technology’s Appointment Regulations for Teaching and Research faculty. In addition to your CV, you need to ensure that you properly document your pedagogical experience and your higher education pedagogical training.
Chalmers University of Technology aims to offer a world-class education. An important part of this endeavor is the pedagogical competence of the teachers. For documenting, developing and evaluating pedagogical competence, a pedagogical portfolio is used, and it must contain both qualitative and quantitative qualifications.
Chalmers’ view of pedagogical competence is reflected in the assessment criteria for pedagogical competence in Chalmers’ Appointment regulations for teaching and research faculty. For positions that involve teaching and responsibility for examinations in undergraduate education, completed pedagogical training for higher education is required (which when applying for promotion or employment must be presented in a dedicated document, “Pedagogical training qualifications”).
Your CV is an important part of your application and will be assessed by external evaluators as well as by the Chalmers Faculty Appointment Committee. As described in section 4 of the Chalmers Rules of Procedure for Teaching and Research Faculty, the Faculty Appointment Committee focuses specifically on four categories:
- research experience and merits
- teaching experience and merits
- utilisation of your research
- academic citizenship.
Details and examples of these four categories are described in sections 4.1 to 4.4 of the Rules of Procedure. It is thus important that your CV includes information on these categories.
Below are guidelines for how you should structure your CV so that it contains the information requested by the Faculty appointment committee and external evaluators. Your CV must be written in English.
Pedagogical portfolio
For promotion and recruitment at Chalmers, teaching qualifications and merits must be documented in a pedagogical portfolio. If the position you are applying for requires such, please use the pedagogical portfolio format.
For Chalmers employees, a seminar series offered “Writing a pedagogical portfolio”, which can be found under the heading “Seminars for Chalmers Lecturers” on the Chalmers intranet.
Education in higher education pedagogy
For positions that involve responsibility for examinations in undergraduate education (the bachelor and master levels), completed education in higher education pedagogy is required in accordance with SUHF's recommendations. When applying for promotion or employment, it must be reported in a special document, "Pedagogical training qualifications". Please follow the instructions for "Education in teaching and learning in higher education (SUHF)."
External applicants who currently do not meet the SUHF requirements may be employed for a permanent position under the condition that the required education is completed within the first two years of employment.
Pedagogical training for higher education from Chalmers
At Chalmers, pedagogical training for teaching in higher education is given in the form of a Diploma in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. The courses in teaching and learning in higher education are primarily aimed at Chalmers employees and new employees are expected to undergo the training during their first two years of employment. Employees at Chalmers can read more about the Diploma and the different courses on the on Chalmers intranet.
Education in research supervision
At Chalmers, supervision of research is considered an important educational competence for employees doing research. A course in research supervision is a requirement for being accepted as Oavlönad docent at Chalmers. However, for positions that include teaching and research, this is a separate requirement when it comes to pedagogical qualifications. Thus, courses in research supervision cannot be included in the fulfilment of the requirement for “Education in higher education pedagogics in accordance with SUHF’s recommendations”. When applying for promotion or employment, the supporting materials for both requirements are collected in the file “Pedagogical training qualifications”.
Employees at Chalmers can read more about the course in research supervision offered at Chalmers under the heading “Research supervision” on Chalmers intranet.