Chalmers’ academic positions are differ in several respects from those of state educational institutions. For example, at Chalmers "docent" is a permanent employment (associate professor) We also have different categories of academic positions: positions with a focus on research and education, positions with a focus on education, positions with a focus on research, artistic positions
In addition to these categories, there are part-time positions designed to attach external researchers and teachers to Chalmers’ operations for a limited time.
Faculty Appointment Committee
Chalmers’ Faculty Appointment Committee manages the appointment of all permanent teaching and research positions and also temporary positions such as assistant professor, artistic professor, adjuncts and visiting professorships. The admission to unpaid docent are also prepared by the Faculty Appointment Committee. The committee works on behalf of the President and each case is normally considered by eight members: The chair or vice-chair of the Faculty Appointment Committee, three teacher representatives, one trade union representative, one student representative, the relevant recruitment specialist and the head of department.
Tenure track
Our employees are our most important resource in achieving our goal to be a world-class university. To supplement the valuable knowledge and experience you bring to Chalmers, we are also committed to offer our employees great competence and careers development.
We believe in developing together. One way to achieve this is through our positions as assistant professor with tenure track. The position as assistant professor is a four-year position which enables you to gain a permanent position once you have acquired the necessary qualifications in research, education and pedagogy. The process is managed by our Faculty Appointment Committee.
Apply for one of our 17 positions 2024
Oavlönad docent
Chalmers may admit individuals from within and outside the university to the academic title of oavlönad docent. The requirements are that you must be an independent researcher with scientific expertise that is significantly higher than what is required for a doctorate.

Instructions for compiling an application for a research and teaching position
The following instructions apply to the majority of the positions that are processed by the Faculty appointment committee.