Chalmers tekniska högskola AB is a Foundation University that runs Chalmers University of Technology’s academic education, research and utilisation activity. The thirteen departments and shared Operations Support function together constitute Chalmers’ line organisation. Complementing the departments are other organisational elements – Areas of Advance and educational areas – whose purpose is to bring together expertise and integrate research, education and utilisation on an interdepartmental basis.
The President, the Deputy Presidents and the Vice Presidents
The President, the Deputy Presidents and the Vice Presidents represent Chalmers in its dealings with Swedish government offices and other external organisations. Their work focuses on overall strategy to move the university forward, plus coordinating and monitoring operations.
The Office of the President
The staff at the office of the president work closely with the President and his team providing support and coordination.
Departments and research groups
Chalmers’ 13 departments are the primary source of scientific and technical expertise for the whole organisation, structured around research groups and research divisions. Heads of Department are responsible for the overall operation of their department and are assisted by Deputy and Assistant Heads of Department leading on education, research and utilisation and a Head of Administration. Chalmers’ library is organised by department to assist communication and scientific learning.
Each department has a departmental advisory team consisting of both internal and external members and an external chair to be consulted on issues of strategic importance.
Chalmers Operations Support
Chalmers Operations Support has divisions for management and general university support, HR, IT, communication, planning, analysis and finance, service and a student and education office.
The operations support creates conditions for the university to deliver on its missions. It is led by the university director, who together with the division heads form the operational support's management group.

- University Director, Chalmers Operations Support

Chalmers is addressing the transition to a sustainable society
Chalmers develops and progresses its overall educational, research and utilisation remits through interdisciplinary activity within its Areas of Advance and areas of education.
Faculty Senate
The Faculty Senate is an advisory body for the President and consists of elected representatives from the faculty of all Chalmers’ departments. Its role includes reviewing academic quality and ensuring that there is a good academic environment.
The Faculty Senate has 26 members, including the Chair and Vice Chair. They are joined at their meetings by representatives from the Student Union, the doctoral student section and the library, and the President and First Vice President. The role of the President and First Vice President in meetings is to provide current information about Chalmers as a whole, to answer and address members’ questions and to listen to and engage in agenda items and discussions.
In particular, the Faculty Senate will:
- ensure there is a good academic environment at Chalmers
- monitor and critically review operational quality from an academic perspective
- draw attention to the ethical aspects of all Chalmers’ work, including gender equality and diversity
- consider the relationship between research, doctoral programmes and undergraduate and Master’s level education
- help Chalmers to fulfil its role within the international science community, in accordance with the 1988 Bologna declaration
- ensure that Chalmers’ lecturers and students are guaranteed the traditional academic freedoms of thought, expression and action.
Current term of office: 1 July 2023–30 June 2026.

- Full Professor, Nano and Biophysics, Physics
Vice chair person

- Full Professor, Structural Engineering, Architecture and Civil Engineering
Operations support/coordinator

- Coordinator, Management and General University Support, Chalmers Operations Support
Other members
Architecture and Civil Engineering

- Programansvarig, Urban Design and Planning, Architecture and Civil Engineering
Life Sciences

- Full Professor, Life Sciences

- Full Professor, Chemical Biology, Life Sciences
Computer Science and Engineering

- Associate Professor, Computer and Network Systems, Computer Science and Engineering

- Senior Lecturer, Computing Science, Computer Science and Engineering
Electrical Engineering

- Associate Professor, Electric Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering

- Head of Unit, Signal Processing and Biomedical Engineering, Electrical Engineering

- Professor, Subatomic, High Energy and Plasma Physics, Physics
Industrial and Materials Science

- Full Professor, Material and Computational Mechanics, Industrial and Materials Science

- Associate Professor, Design & Human Factors, Industrial and Materials Science
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

- Full Professor, Energy and Materials, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

- Full Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Mathematical Sciences

- Head of Unit, Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Mathematical Sciences

- Full Professor, Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Mathematical Sciences
Mechanics and Maritime Sciences

- Lecturer, Maritime Studies, Mechanics and Maritime Sciences

- Professor, Dynamics, Mechanics and Maritime Sciences
Microtechnology and Nanoscience

- Full Professor, Quantum Device Physics, Microtechnology and Nanoscience

- Professor, Photonics, Microtechnology and Nanoscience
Space, Earth and Environment

- Full Professor, Astronomy and Plasma Physics, Space, Earth and Environment

- Vice styrkeområdesledare, Energy
Technology Management and Economics

- Professor, Entrepreneurship and Strategy, Technology Management and Economics

- Full Professor, Innovation and R&D Management, Technology Management and Economics
Communication and Learning in Science

- Senior Lecturer, Language and Communication, Communication and Learning in Science

- Senior Lecturer, Engineering Education Research, Communication and Learning in Science

- Doctoral Student, Energy and Materials, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

- Head of Division, Learning and Learning Environments, Communication and Learning in Science
Educational Officer 2024–2025, Chalmers student union