The WISE-WACQT Mentorship Program is an initiative that aims at providing support for female scientists working as PhD students or post-docs at the E2 department or WACQT, or PhD students within Nano Area of Advance, through mentorship. The idea is to provide a one-to-one connection between junior and senior scientists working at different departments at Chalmers.
Mentorship Program will foster opportunities to exchange ideas, discuss challenges, obtain career coaching, as well as having a possibility to report difficulties and problems in case of need. The program is supported by the Gender Initiative for Excellence at Chalmers - GENIE.
The organisers
WISE - Workforce for Inclusive SciencE is a supportive network aiming to promote a gender inclusive academia. The network is hosted and financially supported by the Department of Electrical Engineering (E2) at Chalmers.
EDI-WACQT - Equality, diversity, and inclusion in WACQT is an initiative within the Wallenberg Centre for Quantum Technology that aims at raising awareness on the gender imbalance within academia and at supporting the career of women and gender non-conforming scientists in the WACQT community.
Who can benefit from the program?
The mentorship program is dedicated to female scientists working as PhD students or post-docs at the E2 department or WACQT, or PhD students within Nano Area of Advance, through mentorship.
Information for mentors and mentees
Guidelines for mentors and mentees and further information on the program are available on Canvas.

The mentorship program in media
- Read the article about the start of the mentorship program