For suppliers

Contact information, information about invoice management, e-commerce, goods and freight.


Invoice address

Chalmers University of Technology
Invoice service
SE-412 96 Gothenburg

Peppol-ID Chalmers University of Technology


Accepted reference code

Reference code (8 figures)
Orderer´s name and cost center

Correct legal company name is a formal requirement to be able to deduct input V A T.


To establish a framework agreement with Chalmers, you must submit a tender for any of our current procurements. Tenders are managed electronically at website Mercell TendSign. Registration and service at Tendsign are free of charge.

Information and support

Electronic bidding

Procurements are managed in Mercell TendSign. Tenderers who wish to participate in a procurement must submit an electronic tender via the TendSign system. Access to the system requires a login. Username and password are obtained through a registration at After completed registration, you will be given immediate access to the system.

The tender

Remember to start the tender procedure in time. Please note that there is a last day for asking questions related to the procurement. Technical support about the system should be addressed to Mercell TendSign support by e-mail: 

Manual, tutorial video and frequently asked questions are available at Mercell.


The request documents can be corrected or supplemented during the tender period. Such additions are always sent out to the e-mail address specified when the document was ordered. Therefore, we ask you to always collect the documents from Opic or Tendsign.

Certain aspects are the same in all procurements; qualification requirements must be met, tenders must be submitted on time, questions must be asked in the correct forum and tenders must be submitted electronically (not by email). In addition, specific requirements are set for each procurement. For more general information on public procurement and guidance, please visit The National Agency for Public Procurement​.


At Chalmers University of Technology has focused on environmental and sustainability work and development for several decades. One part is to send orders and receiving invoices electronically. These are the requirements that apply to procured suppliers at Chalmers University of Technology.